There were a lot of threaded comments between A and B.
Nothing wrong with a good pegging, if that's your thing.
If Game Of Thrones gets cancelled, he can make a career out of playing Riff Raff somewhere.
I'm perfectly happy for the writers to deviate from the books and have Sheriff John Quincey Wydell show up with a staple gun, a can of gasoline, and some matches.
They did gloss over that whole "We'll freeze to death" angle pretty quick. I suppose she could have just been trying to scare him, but if it wasn't a real possibility, then the area north of the wall isn't all that threatening, is it.
I was thinking more like "gross" but whatever.
Like Cagney and Lacey meets The Punisher.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "nonexistent", and 10 being "The entire cast of Lost combined", how large are Theon's Daddy Issues? Arya! Go.
That sentence probably made more sense in his head.
She made the mistake of turning 35 in Hollywood without being Julia Roberts, so we won't see a whole lot more of her until she gets old enough to be some teenager's mom.
If his book death is too…clean, I hope they change it. Or maybe Florence Nightengale can saw his leg off.
It's available on Netflix, but it never occurred to me to watch it. Now I'm curious.
I promise I did not steal this from you in another thread.
Am I a vamp, or a muppet? Or a muppet of a vamp? Or a very vampy muppet?
House Meyer: "We do not tase me, bro."
It looked like Catelyn might have been standing further back to give a little bit of forced perspective, for added emphasis.
You've obviously never read The Godfather.
Brimstone was great and was killed way too soon. I never thought I'd like Peter Horton. And Glover was great, of course.
Sounds like it would take forever, though.