Dr. Clash

That's a fair assessment, and it makes sense that the flaws in structure would stand out to you even more if a lot of the humor wasn't working for you. Glad you saw it through to the end, in any case.

Yeah, pretty much my thoughts exactly. I'm happy just taking the show an episode at a time as a fun way to spend 26 minutes a week and not worrying about whether one slip up is emblematic of the entire show's downturn.

Any particular thoughts? I know you warmed up on it a bit more as you went but I imagine you weren't too keen on the show as a whole.

I honestly don't really care? I think I'm at the point where I'm happy just taking episodes and judging them as they come instead of pre-judging them based on concept and justification thereof.

You know, I've seen Frozen several times and I don't believe that Elsa ever actually says this.

Nah, if the past couple season premieres are any indication, we'll skip moving to the premiere's review since there'll be a lot of people on those boards and we'll wait until like 3 days after week 2's episode to actually move.

There's a new season 6 trailer out there somewhere! It showed up as a sponsored post on my Facebook earlier on my phone when I couldn't watch it, and now I can't find it. But I know it exists.

I'm a drummer so the percussion is definitely what I listen to first. The music definitely leaves a much bigger impression on me, there are a ton of songs that I love that I could play the entire drum part to but couldn't sing a single verse of.

I saw it a few weeks ago and liked it a lot. The only time the found footage gimmick seemed a little ridiculous was [SPOILERS] near the end when they have a bunch of phones floating around them in midair for no good reason [SPOILERS], but it didn't really bother me.

This is tricky when it comes to Parks and Rec. Most of season 2 and all of seasons 3 and 4 are eligible, but seasons 5 and 6 falling into that timeframe are really dragging the show down.

Animated childrens' television sure has had one hell of a week.

In other news, Brooklyn Nine Nine got a season 3 months ago and I somehow only just found out.

Joe Adalian said on Twitter that it's a lock for renewal. Apparently the Disney/Marvel corporate power is more powerful than the ratings.

The Cancellation Bear has really taken to Twitter-bashing Joe Adalian's cancellation/renewal predictions. I already really don't like the way TVBTN does these black-and-white style predictions (which have been often wrong), but the way they're just completely bashing the Vulture article just comes off as downright

But… we already had a huge hiatus! We waited 4 months between episodes 9 and 10!

I was really confused for a sec but I'm actually talking about the UK version. Whoops, edited my original post to clarify.

At what point is the original UK The Office considered to rise to "great show" territory? I know it's widely considered an all-time classic, and it was a huge blind spot in my TV consumption that I'm finally getting to, but 3 episodes in and it's honestly been nothing but a huge slog to get through.

I think a Kimmy Schmidt-style approach to episode length is best, which I think topped out at around 27 minutes (including the credits). From everything I've read, it seems like Harmon's taking a similar approach anyway.

Oh man, I wonder how Mulaney's inevitable season 2 is gonna handle this.

I've hated the "[A plot] and [completely unrelated B plot]" type episode titles since season 1, but I guess I'll be happy if the episode titles are my biggest complaint about the season.