rock that uke

Ad Hawk? Wasn't he a character in Spenser for Hire?

What about Spenser for Hire? Gritty!

The fringe is yellow, the upholstery's brown, the dashboard's genuine leather . . .

Thanks, Zack, for bringing up The Long, Boring, not so interesting Halloween, which got lots of good reviews at the time but did nothing at all for me. I guess if I want all the Caped Crusader's enemies at once and a decent storyline I'll just have to play Arkham Asylum.

Thanks Fuzzy and John Barleycorn for noticing the terrible audio mixing. I don't usually notice these things, but I cringed when Joan's overdub sounded like she was singing in a tiled bathroom, and Don's bartending went clink-clank-clunk over Conrad Hilton's dialog. I finally understand why this is an Oscar category .

More like Horatio Hornblower, am I right?

The cabs have "Taxi" written on them in the new font, but with NYC strategically removed/covered. Details!

Count Floyd on SCTV
"Hey Kids! Spooky!"

Your Roomba Has A Plan.
You could see the whole thing ending with Hera in Africa. I'd give it a C for the second part, with all the Successories lingo about starting over and "the first day of the rest of your life."

Starbuck and the Comedian
I guess it's all the Watchmen hype, but I'm seeing a lot in common between Kara Thrace and Eddie Blake.

What were the writers thinking?
Liked the episode, didn't love it. I thought a number of effective scenes were ruined by too much explanation. I can only imagine the writers . . .

AV Clubbers unite and say:
" I like his earlier, less commercial work."

No Way in Hell
Would any transplant unit harvest organs from someone who died from an envenomation of any kind. Organs are unusable. Fail.

The best moment isn't Johnny's . . .
It's June Carter Cash on "Jackson." She hollers and yelps and rips that song to shreds. She's the only woman in a room full of convicts, and she's ALL RAW POWER.

Guzman and Cheadle Should Do Buddy Movies.
Think about it. Boogie Nights? Traffic? They are awesome together.

"Voleur" is French for "Thief"
Just had to say it.

Continuity Errors in the Mirror, Mirror?
1. Why is the top up in the first shot of the convertible, then down when BabyKirk jumps out?