Thom not Tom

Agreed on Reynolds. He's in a lot of bad movies, but he's usually the best part (i.e. the shit-fest that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine). Nice to see him get a good role for a change.

Oh, man. You beat me to the Parks & Recreation comparison. I agree with everything you said — including Arnett being able to hold his own post-Arrested Development.

This hasn't gotten a whole lot of praise
But I honestly think it might be a lot like Parks & Recreation. The first season of that was pretty boring — it played like the destitute man's Office — but once they figured out what to do with the characters, the show became arguably the best comedy on television. Running

I'd say his voice works for their aesthetic, and it's got a lot of emotion. Would Tom Waits' music be better if, say, some inoffensive, hollow-voiced hack like Lionel Richie was singing it? Hell no.