
*Gordon Cole

I have conducted my own informal survey and I can verify both your of research results.

You know what's up. I think this is my favorite song of theirs.

A great Ozzy Osbourne song that he didn't write.

It made me sad. After 'Quebec' I was ready for more greatness.

Ironic you consider The Pizza Hut anti-commerical when it was a rejected pizza commercial jingle originally.

You're just not into their noise/abstract/drug craziness side. There are many sides to Ween to appreciate.

C + C/Pure Guava/White Pepper/Mollusk/Quebec/Live with the Shit Creek Boys >> GodWeenSatan/The Pod/12 Golden/All Request >> Crates of the Sac/Shinola << LA Cucaracha

Thank you so much for posting these. I have adored their official releases immensely but haven't had much access to the unreleased stuff. I've been listening to 'Little Miss Mandee' over and over since I saw this post. Thanks so much. Any other recommendations? I liked the other songs you linked a lot too.

The Pawnbroker is amazing
It got name-checked in the article but it deserves more. The editing and performances are still electrifying today. His book taught me a lot. The Chapter on directing is subtitled 'the greatest job in the world'. Sad to see him go.

The World Needs More Fuller
It's always good news that these movies are being put out there; but what about all the Fuller movies that are still impossible to find like 'Park Row' or 'Verboten!' and 'Pickup on South Street'