In the Basement

Yeah, I'm like Britta from Community but… well… not a hot blonde or female.

"Scarface is a good movie if you're a braindead mook" Uhh… yeah that's probably why it was referenced so many times on Breaking Bad.

So they want to do another SCARFACE remake… done, it's called BREAKING BAD! And uhh… good luck with your next remakes of classic movies you GREEDY CORPORATE FUCKS!!

I meant the swords of Shingen Yashida and the regular ninja thugs that Wolverine also did not detect in spite of his heightened senses. 
The scared of flying thing is made more irritating than in the previous X films since we see the guy survive that bomb in the beginning. To top this bad movie off completely is the

Felt this was an attempt at a serious film but feared to get away from superhero mainstream humor and commit instead to something sophisticated, nuanced and with balls. The humor in the movie made him look dumb and passive until script convenience needs him to change to the bad-ass
My biggest issues were with Wolverine