
I think last election and its aftermath has proven beyond a doubt that scene and dialogue is so accurate it hurts (especially given there's so many more options for accessing news than in 1993.)

Also, I'll bet the next generation of so-called sleeper agents are learning and practicing the discipline to avoid detection by avoiding the obvious and stupid mistakes for starters (no Twitter and Facebook rants for them) such that they'll be even harder to find than otherwise.

Yes, given the fact McCain wanted Lieberman as his VP says it all, really. Has anyone from within the Democratic Party done so much damage to it as this horrible man? (The answer depressingly, is yes but he's right up there.)

I saw the first four of these in the cinema (and the first one twice) and really regret not seeing part 5 in the cinema too, though it was the first movie I paid to watch legally on youtube.

I know, I was being super sarcastic. The hypocrisy of the Republicans is truly so breathtaking that they clearly have no shame whatsoever. Watching them turn on a literal dime the moment they go from being out of power to back in is up there with the most disgusting things I've seen in politics.

He's also on record in a filmed interview in 1994 that GHWB did the right thing in not invading Iraq because it would have turned into a quagmire. Then of course you know what happened and you know who changed his tune. Despite, you know being on tape.

In all serious, maybe it's just for the best to split the country into two. The constitution presumably makes it too difficult to make it formal but I'm sure the federal government can be reduced to a point of near irrelevance. Then save the states you can. Beats having some states you can never win dragging you all

Also, it was the sort of complicated plan that really could have failed if any number of factors along the way threw it out of alignment, so just being a different administration doing things differently might have been enough. For starters, like you said, the Clinton administration was actually formulating policy and

I think it would have been a smaller crash, for starters his tax cuts were more distributive to the middle clash and overall, did reduce revenue less from if there were no tax cuts than what actually happened.

Gore most likely would have won in 2004, one term presidents are relatively rare these days and the economy really didn't start to tank until 2006. It could have been that he still lost if he *hadn't* started a war in Iraq (which is quite possible since he's not a lunatic and has a belief in facts), though which is a

I'm going to miss him. Simple as that. This is all just further proof to what we already knew, everyone who met and worked with him couldn't speak highly enough of him, and no end of people enjoyed his many, many performances. I guess if nothing else, you couldn't ask for more out of life.

Don't forget New Hampshire. They picked the worst possible time to flip Red for the *only* time since 1988 by something like less than 2,000 votes 7,500 (I really remembered that as less). If they hadn't, Gore would have won (just - but a win's a win.)

As for anything involving him, always just double check what's in it for him. He's one of those people where it's never as straightforward as just saying the right thing because it's the right thing to say. In this case, the sentiment itself is the right one to have but it's a useful lesson in generally being vigilant

It would probably have been much more likely to be Gore/Some Republican/Some Democrat (maybe Obama perhaps?) in 2016.

That's a staggeringly difficult task for a number of reasons but at a basic level (watch/don't watch), I'd go with the Japanese cinema version (Ringu 1998), the US version of the first film and Birthday (Ring Zero is OK, but for the most part, quite a different type of a film). The Ring 2 (Japanese sequel to Ringu) is

The Hit was just complete chaos. Terence Stamp going from accepting his fate which is why he didn't escape when Tim Roth fell asleep, to not being so equanimous when the actual moment approaches early because it's not Paris (why didn't they just cap him straight off?), John Hurt shooting dead some people you wouldn't

My dad's 84 this year, so you know …

I don't think anyone has mentioned Midnight Express yet which of course John Hurt was in and got an Academy Award nomination for his performance.

"… are currently taking one of those university courses only seen in movies …"

There I was thinking we'd missed our opportunity for a topical They Live remake but little did we all know …