
I have thought about how we're behind the US on this. However, depending on where you are in the US (and whether your job is federal or not - and I don't know if that's going to change), sure you can get married - and if anyone finds out - you can get fired with no recourse.

I think they failed to properly register a very important message from Bernie Sanders' run for the presidency regardless of whether he won or lost in the end which was - How is it that someone who you'd normally expect to be out of the race by the first two primaries (New Hampshire and Iowa) at the latest, instead

Now now, to be fair, they managed to just eke out a win in the North Carolina's governors race because of all the own goals he scored against himself (but not the state for the presidential election - a lot of split tickets there), also they picked up a handful of congress and senate seats but not enough to tip either

Yeah, the inescapable logic trap for Labor is that if dumping Rudd saved them from an election loss in 2010, bringing Rudd back in 2013 saved them from even further damage with Gillard remaining. So suck on that Gillard.

Fucking Brandis had the gall to say that the Labor Party had caused a delay of 3 years for equality because of their tactics in rejecting that non-binding plebiscite. Remind me again which party was trying to delay it forever as recently as less than ten years ago (of which this jerk was one of back then too.)

One thing you can't fault the Coalition over in a very narrow sense is that they didn't alter the course with keeping Howard at the top. Maybe it was just an illusion due to a lack of choice but either way, by sticking with the leader, they got almost 12 years of government while Labor panicked at the first sign of

There was some big feature in the news recently where apparently one of the major labour unions was willingly complicit in helping to have their members underpaid in retail in return for somehow suppressing any attempt to get marriage equality passed in Australia (there was some complicated logic behind it all - and

Well, I guess the sticking point might have been that Seanbaby's trained in several martial arts and despite the name of his handle, I believe is some sort of a giant which is probably why Boll made himself scarce.

… and mostly built by Mexicans. From and still living in Mexico - so that's where the wages are going to go.

Well, to be fair, the Earth is more of an oblate spheroid than an actual sphere, so I can see why there'd be some confusion over its shape.

Could be worse. I was reading a comment, I think on Jezebel, where someone was saying they were serving a customer who'd never heard the word 'sphere'.

Weird how Boll passed up fighting Seanbaby from Cracked.com, isn't it?

A brief guide to Australian politics for all you non-Australians out there.

There's a bit of hagiography going on at The Guardian over Gillard which is making me feel a bit ill.

I think there's multiple angles of attack in progress, even if there's no central planning to it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's the hope that he goes on to do something that as a result alienates some support (saying things obviously hasn't been enough.)

A small bright note, I've been seeing TPPs of 54/46 and 55/45 against our bunch o'fuckers. With any luck, they'll be out on their ass soon enough (one upside of 3 year not fixed term in effect compulsory voting …)

"They don't want to be accused of being obstructionists."

Thanks, that's a really nice thing to say.

Honest to God, I was thinking Cabramatta (which for those of you not in the know is the Vietnamese part of Sydney). Though I hear that general area's much improved from the times I had to make a dash from the train station to Liverpool Hospital (not that people hadn't been mugged on campus, though …)

It's an Indian restaurant (run by Bangladeshis) which branched out into a sideline of kebabs.