
No, this is better. Mark Ruffalo and James McAvoy on unicycles while Meryl Streep watches

He also does his best to make sure every guest gets as equal an amount of time as possible. It doesn't matter about the relative fame of the guests either.

But the really important question wasn't answered, will Tatiana Maslany be narrating this one?

Sure, that could always happen at any time, as could being pulled from the schedule but I suppose it's a good sign - also extending then cutting again would be unusual, wouldn't it?

Well, mystifyingly, they renewed Sleepy Hollow for a Season 4, so maybe provided the rest of this reason performs well enough, there's not too much cause for alarm. I guess we'll see.

What? You mean the Gawker Network becomes the Gizmodo Network, Jezebel and some of the sublogs take on articles that would have once appeared on Gawker - so nothing in practice has actually changed and Nick Denton and others get a huge sum of money from Univision as they purchase it.

I hope they don't miss an opportunity at some point to do "A Day in the Life of Charlotte Richards" episode where they follow her from waking up in the morning to deal with the husband and kids and then follow her from there to the end of the day and everything that happens along the way.

Depends on the cavemen and depends on the astronaut. Which is really what the question was all about, defining terms as opposed to the answer.

Well, there were two types of old vampires that I noted. One type, like Spike, never learned of the magic of compound interest (I mean after the first few decades, it just takes off) and just ends up stuck in crypts watching TV soap operas like Passions and having to blag beer money off Giles.

"Do the astronauts have weapons?"

I believe it got a full pickup which extended this season from 13 to 22 episodes.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. This show is so stupid and I love that they're embracing that more and more as it goes on. Outstanding! Grade A plus plus and at least a 14 out of 10.

Resident Evil 6. Resident Evil 5 (Biohazard, I'm guessing the films are also called in Japan to match the games) was the last one.

While you're at it, Rob Schneider, why don't you lecture those of us who work in the health system about vaccine safety and how despite evidence to the contrary, somehow they're dangerous?

Apropos of nothing but being given the most tangential of openings, here's the ending of Seven as by William Shatner playing all the characters - and I do mean all of them.

Lana Del Ray aka Elizabeth Woolridge Grant.

Imogen Gay Poots for the win, don't you mean?

What about Arundel? After reading the nature of the work and people you both encounter, I can't help but note a lot of similarities. I guess probably not (the world's a big place) but it wouldn't surprise me if it had come about after first crossing paths on this site.

"Dakota Fanning to star in TNT’s The Alienist adaptation"