
Underworld: Blood Wars - D+
The Bye Bye man - D-

Don't you mean Edge of Tomorrow?

Strange way of saving anything, if you asked me. Seemed to have the reverse effect.

You did read the actual details of the case, didn't you?

Ava DuVernay was offered Black Panther for what that worth.


[Frome the page on Carnosaur 2]

I'll be honest, I didn't really notice either way because I absolutely loathed Ferris. He was such a fucking prick. I really wanted someone to beat the living shit out of him but you just knew from the outset that wasn't going to happen.

On the related subject of rap translated for white people, I give you the legendary Hydrogen vs Boost rap battle.

I stand corrected. It's '"Wanted in Costa Rica", not "Wanted anywhere in South America though maybe they'd be more likely to extradite than the US" (I'd link you the article but it's The Daily Mail.)

Alan Ruck was 30 in Ferris Bueller, I believe and Gabrielle Carteris was 31 in 90210 and maybe playing even younger than Ruck at least to start with. YMMV on both of these.

I didn't think you didn't, after all, you're paid to know stuff like this. I didn't find out until much later than I should have and I'm Australian (I think it was when Infini was released - bonus fun fact, did you know there's a third Nolan brother - not in the film industry but is wanted for trial for murder in

Anyone read the alternate history collection Back in the USSA, where the US and not Russia had the communist revolution in 1917?

Honestly not sure how that works as I believe Gwenpool came out of some contest or fan requests or something for Gwen Stacy as other Marvel characters I believe, so believe we got Gwenverine, Spider-Gwen and of course, Gwenpool - the idea of which just kept going (and probably others, I'm sure Spider-Gwen is a thing.)

Well, I guess this one's for you. As luck would have it, I got this made for a webcomic many months back. It's totally sincere, too and in no way making fun of anyone though I won't deny it's predicated on the fact there's an expectation that a reader is intended to think "Wait, you mean there's a third Hemsworth

Once again, I feel the need to remind people there's also a Luke Hemsworth. I hear he's on Westworld

I know virtually nothing about the source material.

Here's another free webcomic which I think is exceptional.

The Adventures of Dr McNinja.