
They overdid it. Once he went to being president and collaborating and then hanging out on their Base Star, that was crossing a moral event horizon too far. Someone would have flat out murdered him after that. They were chucking people out into space for much less.

It's not exactly wrong thinking either, though is it? Nowadays thanks to ticket prices/inflation/size of international market, there's always going to be at least a couple of films over or very close to 1 billion gross and about half a dozen in the $700-$900+ million gross range.

I thought the show turned into a right fucking train wreck after Resurrection Ship Part 2 (which also had its problems outside the combat scenes and the tension over which crew was going to murder whom first.)

Not really. Under those circumstances, anyone who did the number of things he did, even limiting themselves to the ones they knew about, would have been shot. Or stabbed. Basically just flat out murdered is what I'm saying. They overdid his cartoon villainy is what I'm saying IMO.

Greco-Roman or Freestyle?

Are you sure? Baltar already caused at least one nuclear weapon detonation that killed a lot of people due to careless handling of said device*. That plus he was actually a confirmed spy for the enemy (ignorance is no defence if you don't confess when you find out and if anything, keep collaborating.) Then he became

They might because the agents of the state who are misusing their surveillance and policing powers actually face punishment and/or consequences for their actions.

As little as 25% of the box office in China returns to the studio. They might have gotten more if it was a Chinese co-production but the majority of it stays in China (possibly a Chinese co-partner in making the film, that's one way to get a release slot and a bigger percentage than the base mandated by the Chinese

DVD revenue's taken a real hit lately:

Just one of the things about Battlestar Galactica that signalled its descent into bullshit was when it became clear to me well before the end that Baltar was inexplicably clearly going to get away with it all. As in every single terrible thing he'd done. Once they had the episode where someone was assassinating his

Giddyup, Gleep Glop!: 35 single-season sci-fi TV Westerns.

Actually …

io9 The AV Club - We Come From the Future

Well, I hear also making the final product unwatchable also helps.

"This is the first time I have ever made a mistake, and I'm sure it will never happen again."

Yes, we'll never see you ever mixing up the use of 1st person subject singular pronouns with object singular pronouns in a non-interchangeable context, that's for sure!

I will post the link to this article since people may not know it even exists unless they stumbled across it looking for something else.

Wow, the opportunity to know the real identity of the person who the few times we've interacted directly has left me wishing we hadn't, never mind ever encountering each other in person (which we won't.)

Apparently one of the variants of this thought exercise is not the least number of steps but trying to work out a path that is exactly six steps. If less than six can be done, well then obviously exactly six can be done but it can be tricky sometimes.