
I actually think the one person who could have gotten away with flat out saying that he'd just said all the things he'd said was just to win the primaries was this guy.

On the other hand, he's worked really hard as a Senator and seems to have really made a point of showing his political work is completely separate from his comedy career for precisely that reason, which was now some time ago.

Well, a pre-emptive Manchurian Candidate maybe but I am not suggesting that as I already have enough karma that's probably going to make my next life less ideal than I would like.

Well, as long as she turns 35 by January 20th or thereabouts, whenever the swearing in would be. I believe she clears that by a few months.

It's not such a big deal for Warren though is it? Thanks to the new rules the Democrats shot themselves in the foot with at the time, a special election has to be called for the position in Massachusetts not that long afterwards anyway, so at worst it'd only be out of their hands for a short while anyway. Might as

Seriously, he should just nominate his daughter Ivanka. It would at least add to the entertainment value of this already farcical fiasco of a farce.

Oh to add, compare disaster area of Courtney's public comments on what seemed to be a fairly reasonable question about Biehn and the original film, as what he was doing technically hadn't changed to start with from what the original had done so it should have been much more similar, to Anton Yelchin in Terminator

I saw it in a big theatre when it opened in the suburb it was filmed, no less. Absolutely loathed it. To add insult to injury, I had to see it a second time as I already agreed to see it as part of a group but had jumped the gun because I thought it'd be good because of the first one, which at least felt like the TV

This is true. Even with Agents of SHIELD getting better and better, he still stood out from most of the rest of the pack at the very least. Good job casting director for thinking of him and finance department for stumping up the money to hire him. Added bonus points for looking like you're going to use him next season

Well, it's a relative thing. I hear he's terrible but not stand out terrible from everyone else. Though once you sink low enough, it's even harder to tell - or to care to try.

It's a shame about Mission Impossible 2. It's filmed all around where I live. I had my university exams at the race course (my university rented the function halls there) and the island at the end was where we had a fantastic Law or Medical Revue Party back in 1994 - someone got drunk and fell through a roof which

I forgot about Spartacus. Haven't seen it but I've heard at least not bad things about his performance (OK, I know that's damning with faint praise but on an absolute scale, I hear he's at least OK).

I will give Jack Reacher additional credit for making Jai Courtney come across as functional in the role, even if nondescript as everything else I've seen him in, he's objectively terrible.

Well, they are a bit behind the times. They still call their KGB the KGB. Even the Russians at least changed the name if nothing else.

I know. I'm nowhere near up to speed on even classic Simpsons yet this is the second time in just a few days I've had to step in because no-one else did for a clearly open goal.

He totally sold me, he looks suitably terrifying when he's staring down people. My major suspension of disbelief was nothing to do with him, it was the whole stupendously elaborate plot when they just could have murdered the person they actually wanted dead and used their contact in the police department to cover it

Sequels to movies that can stand alone don't bother me so much as you can take them or leave them. Also, in this case hopefully a sequel can get more people to watch the original as it certainly deserved a bigger audience. Added bonus if the sequel is good in its own right (hey, it's been known to happen on occasion).

Well, it could have been worse. There was the whole DENTAL PLAN debacle where when the actual episode of the Simpsons it featured in came up, that particular gimmick commenter was so late that there was a strong argument as to why they bothered given the "You had one job!" replies and the like.

I really enjoyed it and still do but I won't deny that the entire final sequence is a little weak compared to the earlier parts of the film, which would fit with what I've heard about it being both a compressed production schedule and something they were continually revising.

I heard the talk about it but I like to wait not just until the film is in the can so to speak but also when I'm in the cinema and waiting for the trailers to end before they put it on, just to be on the safe side.