
American Beauty wasn't a documentary.

Raylan Givens is on the case.

Tell me about it. The fibreoptic cable installed by the government running right up to our house in country New South Wales is only capable of about 100 MB/s. To add insult to injury, we didn't have to pay for it as it was already funded along with our education and healthcare by our taxes.

This is true as shown in this footage from Sydney.

By 'learning', I meant learning the hard way before being switched off and then probably being disassembled.

Are you any relation to Gaff from Bladerunner *or* just Edward James Olmos generally? Sounds like something either/both of them would say being as snarky as they both are.


She's currently only Australian TV (we all got one of these in our mailbox).

That's slightly different in that his colleagues knew he was a police officer in advance *and* actively set out to kill him even while on duty for exposing corruption.

Yes, I remembered that one after I posted, that episode was great. Definitely reminded us how far the characters had come since they first appeared in their original incarnations.

Did you just say Blake's 7?

What was brilliant about that was when they flipped it over in Angel Season 5 to show how working at Wolfram and Hart and warped all of them so much in the short time they'd been there as the last she'd seen of them before "You're Welcome" was before they started work there.

A question about Ex Machina, so spoilers for the ending below this, I guess.

Well, this is depressing. Using real life examples, you can get shot dead by the police for running away, staying where you are, not following instructions, following instructions, being outside your home, being inside your home and it all goes downhill from there.

Could it be prescription Oxycontin that's responsible for a lot of that?

Angel Season 5>Buffy Season 2>Rest of Buffy.

I want to just take a moment to remember the 3 salvage guys who send in a remote probe into the Narcissus (the Nostromo escape pod) for even just a few feet and wait for the all clear before even setting foot in there at the very start of the film. Congratulations, you've just seen the three smartest guys in the

Rated M for us, as was Predator in Australia. So, as pre-teen, just able to go by myself (Those skinned bodies and chestbursters tho … totally worth it.)

Maybe you weren't to know but we don't joke about death squads in Sri Lanka.

No, first time I saw it was in Australia at the cinema. Being the age I was and the cinema being almost empty, I positioned myself very close to the exit.