
Intellectually, I know that different people like different things even when it comes to undisputed genre classics like Robocop. However, given that I stopped speaking to one of my cousins for a while after he said he didn't like it (mind you, he's never had taste as far as I'm concerned), unfortunately I think I'm


I know you were kidding but it's not like you were wrong either. On the other hand, this place wouldn't be this place if we didn't do this sort of thing. Both the original pedantry and then the mock outrage/snark/sarcasm it sparks (and is expected to spark) afterwards. I would have been more disappointed if it hadn't

Really, what are you still doing here? Go see it immediately. There's a reason why it's withstood the test of time. Several actually: the quality of the script, the truly outstanding acting (there's a lot to be said for hiring people first and foremost for their ability to … you know actually being able to act -

It's implicit in making the statement that anyone saying they're sorry to be that guy (or gal) is in fact not, though equally in all seriousness I am trying to eventually be that person who isn't … that person. If it's any consolation, I'm getting better at it.

I think the scariest thing about corporate power in Robocop is a scene that easily gets overlooked. Clarence is openly and publicly wanted for multiple murder. They even say so on the news. However, even in spite of all the evidence accumulated over the years including a dying declaration from a police officer that he

Sorry to be that guy but Eric Foreman is that guy from House. The guy from That 70's Show was Eric Forman.

Nearly forgot, here's the definitive Robocop remake made by dozens of different filmmakers who each had a scene, who used everything from puppets to animation to the death of Murphy via interpretive dance among other things.

Well the fact that you say you can't even really remember the plot of the remake is more scathing that anything I could say about it. That just says it all really.

Kids today. I think my heart sank just a bit further about the passage of time when Taylor Swift said she knew who John Cleese was from the Bond films. At least she knew that much. More than I can say for a lot of other people.

From what I've seen of the trailers, it just puts me off wanting to see more of it (kind of the reverse of what trailers are meant for I guess).

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume Sam was being sarcastic.

Will there be Cobra Hydra assault cannons?

They're a pretty cool cinema. I'm still cross with myself for missing their 10 year anniversary of Mean Girls screening. I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice with the 20 year anniversary of Clueless.

I'm going to actually defend the remake of Robocop. The first eight minutes are brilliant. Starting with the parody of a right wing talk show (though that's increasingly becoming debatable given what the real ones are like these days), the reporters on the ground of a US military occupation are saying with no sense of

My local cinema is having at least one sci-fi classic screened on selected Sundays leading up to the release of the new Star Wars film.

Can you fly, Peggy?

Actually it's not totally ridiculous because not enough people donate all the time. Of that 10%, often nowhere near enough donate. There's been a number of times over the years that Seattle hospitals have been critically short of O negative blood. The links at the bottom of the post are just some of the times that has

The 1992 Buffy movie gets a lot of arrows slung at it and probably deserves it for how they mangled the original script but it did make a tidy profit and much more importantly, there may well have been no TV series without it.