
Damn. Beat me to it.

Mandy Patinkin all the way. Forget wishing there were more nominees, if he doesn't win the whole thing is a sham.

Donald Glover did improv at UCB when he as at NYU. Also, he's one of the best freestyle rappers I've ever heard.

For some reason I always thought the AVClub was less vitriolic than other sites like say, AICN, but man you guys really don't like SNL do you? I mean, the snark is overwhelming.

Why not John Mulaney? Tina Fey had pretty much zero on air experience when she started doing Update.

I thought it was Seth Galifianakis.

With Gusto!

You can't say that every use of the word "faggot" has homosexual connotations. Not when there are 8 year old kids who don't even know about homosexuality using it. It obviously certainly can be used in that way of comparing a person to a gay person negatively, and most of the time it is, but the word itself is not

So does that mean a joke that could be potentially offensive gets a pass if it makes you laugh? Are you offended by the scene in "Airplane!" when Peter Graves was making jokes about child molestation? No, you probably laugh your ass off. Yet there are some people in the world who don't find that scene funny and find

If you think they make mediocre music then that's your opinion, but why does him "clearly being an asshole" have anything to do with it? (And being a Odd Future "stan" I have to disagree there, from following him on formspring and seeing him in interviews where he's being serious and not trolling he's actually a

When it's a work of fiction, no, being offended by that is just plain stupid. Especially something as intentionally and inherently stupid as this commercial. Like I said above, do you get offended by the scene in "Airplane!" when Peter Graves is insinuating that he wants to do some not very nice things to that little

So you say they put out mediocre music yet you claim that no one listens to it, therefore I have to assume that you don't listen to it either. So how do you know it's mediocre music? How about listening to something other than Yonkers or Rella.

It may not be funny, but it's certainly not offensive or racist. If you're offended by a woman who was beaten up by a TALKING GOAT and being afraid of a TALKING GOAT and taking verbal abuse from a TALKING GOAT, then I dunno what to tell you.

No, but society does and cultural movements do get to redefine words. Language is a living thing, and that word is currently evolving. Black culture at large has taken that word and co-opted it to mean a person who's weak or soft, and does not necessarily have to have homosexual connotations, and to be honest it's

Music club needs to step it's game up. This is not a review of the album. It's a brief summary of the dude's career thus far and then "oh hey, I guess I'll hastily mention ONE song off of the album at the end so you can't say I didn't listen to it".

"Look at the kid who had the 9 and tried to blow out his mind, but talk is money, I said 'hi', i guess I bought him some time"

Hey now, Diplo is nowhere near as bad as Skrillex. I can actually tolerate Major Lazer.

I disagree about "Ne me quitte pas". It's one of my favorite songs of hers, but I hate this new version. It's over-produced, doesn't gel well with the rest of the album at all….when I first heard it I compared it to a "fucking Wiggles song", that's how much it upset me, haha. 
I like Regina best when it's just her and

I disagree about "Ne me quitte pas". It's one of my favorite songs of hers, but I hate this new version. It's over-produced, doesn't gel well with the rest of the album at all….when I first heard it I compared it to a "fucking Wiggles song", that's how much it upset me, haha. 
I like Regina best when it's just her and

Long time lurker, my first ever comment…be gentle