
I wasn't aware that Mormons condemned swearing, but are OK with lesbianism? I mean, those girls were all lesbians right? I will assume so until proven otherwise, which will be difficult given their propensity for singing a cappella songs.

Blake Lively? Where?
Is it just me, or was Blake Lively conspicously absent from most of the sketches, at least in any substantial way. She had about three lines in the Tigers Woods sketch, same in the Staten Island thing. Less than half a line in the Chris Hanson one. Wasn't on Weekend Update, commercials, or Digital

Yeah, fuck memories! Memories are for the weak-willed and feeble-minded. What, you can't handle the here-and-now so you actually like to remember other times? You probably have pictures of your wedding, and then feel emotions when you look at them, because you liked it so much! Ha, you damned past-fetishizing fool!

Product Placement
Direct Quote:

I know, this show seems like something out of a Baldacci novel, but it actually exists!

My worst fear…
I'm pretty sure all deaths result from a lack of oxygen in some way, so Laura's fears are indeed well reasoned. Maybe she was referring to Oxygen the channel? Hmm, the same channel that airs repeats of the Tyra Banks Show!? So, Laura's worst fear is not being able to afford the DirecTV premium package?

My worst fear…
I'm pretty sure all deaths result from a lack of oxygen in some way, so Laura's fears are indeed well reasoned. Maybe she was referring to Oxygen the channel? Hmm, the same channel that airs repeats of the Tyra Banks Show!? So, Laura's worst fear is not being able to afford the DirecTV premium package?