
This show is losing it's way. Hate all the Hell stuff. Don't want to see any more of it. The three lead characters are what you care about in this show. Stay on them! This was not a fun or smart episode at all. Worse than last week.

What a cynical, unsatisfying finale. The world is scary enough right now. I don't need Noah Hawley to remind me that evil exists in the world. Letting Varga off the hook was annoying. He deserved to be at least imprisoned, at best, blown away. And killing Nikki was reprehensible. She should have been the one putting a

maybe they'll beat her up again next episode, for fun. wouldn't surprise me. this season has gotten kind of sadistic. don't the bad guys seem a little one note? isn't this just a study of evil versus stupidly not smart enough to be evil?

Loved season one. This new season clearly is in love with itself. If it's a comedy, try being funny. If's it's a dramedy, it's out of it's league. The jokes don't hit, the meaningfulness is shallow. At least some people got a free trip to Italy.

i was so glad they decided to head out to LA for an episode. I mean, there just aren't enough TV eps set in LA! I hope this show hasn't fallen in love with itself.

Totally agree! I was a big fan of S1 but S2 is boring and not funny and so in love with itself. I am def not drinking the kool-aid on this one. There's too much good stuff on TV to waste time on this self indulgent BS.

this show is so original and smart. oh, and funny. it's an amazing time in tv history when shows like this and baskets, patriot, atlanta, fleabag, not to mention CXGF, fargo, legion, and bates motel are put into production. someone must have replaced all the old school TV execs with human beings.

Trying to swipe a little Twin Peaks magic.

Go watch Red Dawn again.

Totally agree. They are getting just too cute. I breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't try to re-create the shower scene. Letting Marion get away was maybe a clever idea. Maybe she could return to show off her cleavage for another 20 minutes or so. Maybe even do a song! But having Sam get in the shower because

A really funny Bob's. The jokes were hitting it. The Bob's writers know how to deliver the goods. They don't do bad episodes.
I hate the way this dope Wilkins reviews Bob's Burgers, even when his reviews aren't terrible. I much more enjoy the comments.

Don't trust this review. It isn't film criticism, it's hipster bar chatter. The movie is funny and violent and keeps you guessing. Watch it! You'll like it. That's my review.
Dowd calls the movie the "Unlikely winner of the Grand Jury prize at Sundance this year." It won the Grand Jury Prize. I mean, a jury of grand

Loud groans in my house when Caleb stirred back to life. We were SO SURE his bad acting and confusing haircut were gone forever. Is he dead? Maybe. But I predict he will continue to show up in flashbacks as a loving, protecting rapist. Chick is a fascination. Just what is he up to? All the Norma/Norman stuff is

this review felt like a really boring lecture on comedy writing from a frustrated comedy writer. it seemed bent on draining the life out of a lively, and joke filled episode. i was engaged and laughed all the way through. that's all i require.

The relationship between Norman and his dead mother is dark and fascinating. I love their banter. The stuff with Dylan and Emma is complete drek. Add Caleb and his haircut and it's even drekier.

totally agree. AW gets a little fussy when the bob's writers (those hacks) don't tell the story the way AW would tell it.

such a great episode! tina's determination to make plops love her was classic tina. the ending was touching and sentimental, but still smart. also thought the animation was pretty great throughout.

I don't "do" patronizing either, Winky. Ugh.

This show was brilliant last season. Now, it's just plain average, and sloppy. The con Jimmy put over on the cops? That was so Rockford Files. Or maybe Columbo. McGiver? So much Kool Aid being consumed on this site.

So many things in this episode didn't work for me. I'm wondering if some new entity has taken over making the show.
1. Did not for a minute buy the drug dealer/nerd with the Hummer and yellow sneakers. It was a cartoon. I mean, did he drive that thing to work? Did any of his fellow nerd employees notice?
2. I guess the