
I doubt they'll cast him until season 4/5, whenever Feast comes up.  He's not really important til then.

If memory serves…

Have you tried watching it on DVD? As fantastic as I think the show is, I understand the "extremely slow pace" argument.  However, I rewatched season one on demand over the course of a weekend, and thought it was really well paced and full of incident.  Might want to give it a second look, it really is great.

It's probably too on-the-nose at this point, but I will accept only Idina Menzel as Fantine, and Lea Michelle as Eponine. 


Yeah, it was Sara Lane.  She and Brendon Moran left the show when they got married.  I don't know why I know that.

Anybody know if the Malazan books by Steven Erickson stick the landing?

I read 20 of those Xanth fuckers.  The first, oh, 9 I thought were really quite fun and inventive, but holy hell did they take a nosedive.

Also, Polly Walker for Melisandre, I will accept no substitutes. Caprica's canceled, so she's free, right?

I'm on book six of Malazan right now. I've been thinking it'd be pretty awesome as an adult animated series. That way budget wouldn't be an issue for all the batshit, off-the-wall epicness.

That trailer was perfect, and the brief shot of Jaime Lannister sitting on an absurdly wicked-looking iron throne had me in nerd-tingles.

If not, then it's not worth my time.

Noel, does the Buffy motion comic cover the entire run, or just the first volume?

That was my favorite, thanks to the flying whales in Fantasia 2000, but then I played the symphony in college orchestra, and the second movement ("Pines Near a Catacomb") quickly became my favorite. Haunting.

Watch him in Angels in America, that's by far Patrick Wilson's best work. Actually, you should watch it anyway, because it's kind of amazing.

Fuck you, bastard, I'm only on season four.

Alma Garrett
Was that Molly Walker (I believe that's her name), the Widow Garrett from Deadwood as Nucky's dead wife? I guess we can expect some flashbacks if that was her, as why else would you cast a great actress to only appear in a picture frame.

Not too much to ask…
He just wants every week to be Shark Week.

What's the general consensus on Supernatural? I'm in need of a new show to check out.

Obvious, yes, but it's also the perfect hook for viewers who've never read the books. That's the scene that made me realize that "holy shit, this writer means business," and made me lock myself in a room and finish the rest of the novel in damn-near one sitting.