
The Walking Dead starts in October, WOW, and I can't freakin' wait.

That really was fantastic. As soon as the intro started in the hallway, I said to myself, "this is gonna be epic," and it did not disappoint.

I saw the first two seasons for $10 each at Best Buy the other day. They're totally worth the blind buy.

That duet was the high point of the episode for me. It's one of the few numbers that actually felt like an honest-to-god musical, telling the story through song. Plus, I'm kind of in love with Kristen Chenowith, so the lingerie helped, too.

So, her name means "Light of the Boom", right? That's pretty sweet.

I just rewatched the pilot today (bought both season on Blu-Ray) and Walt sitting by the pool and throwing matches occurs there as well. Nice little call back.

Breaking Bad, Bitches!
So glad this show is back. Great episode.

Withholding Judgement
While I'm sure that this will turn out to be a damn good series, I was left a little cold by the premiere. It seemed like they were just walking through the jungle for a good half hour before anything happened (and I get that the better part of a soldier's combat life is moving from point A to

@iheartjoel: It's the same way here in Texas.

My job (and having to wake up at 4am) is keeping me from joining in the fun, something I sorely miss. But hey, I'm getting paid to direct live television* every morning, so that's cool right?

Enough with the runs, already.
There's nothing I hate more in a performance than when a mediocre vocalist tries to cover up his obvious limitations by throwing in as many distracting runs as he can, in hopes that we won't notice that he has no clear understanding of phrasing or solid intonation. And John Park was

A Beautiful White Light
I don't know if this has been thought of yet, so apologies if it has.

Only question that matters…

Also, FLAMING ARROWS. If that's not badassery, I don't know what is.

It's elevators on Grey's Anatomy. (Yes, I watched the first couple of seasons of that show, and it wasn't that bad. It got horrible, though.)

I love all those Marvel beat-em-ups, starting with X-Men Legends. They're deffinately some of the best super hero games out there.

That was my only complaint with the film, Yummsh. I really wanted those extra backstories, too. I'm not getting my Blu-Ray till Christmas (burned again….) so tell me, are they recut into the film, or just added extras?

That scene just flew by for me (well, they all did, really). I thought it was expertly paced, and wonderfully tense.

Are we just counting feature films here? Because Generation Kill has it beat.

Danger, you're my new hero for posting that link. Hot damn!