
For my money, Alison Brie has Gilian Jacobs beaten by a landslide. Jacobs is attractive, sure, but seems a little haggard to me. Brie on the other hand is exactly what I look for in a woman.

We were fined $10 if we skipped a floor meeting. How shitty is that? But yeah, I always had rehearsals too, so I didn't have to go to those meetings (or get to watch tv) until I switched from music to film.

It wasn't Bell that said the Observers were bad, it was that guy that was making people into bombs a few weeks ago.

Great, great episode, only marred by the fact that I'm tired of waiting for Super Olivia to make a return. Otherwise, this was top-notch.

Great Whedon Interview
Here's an interview that Maureen Ryan did with Whedon about the fate of Dollhouse and his future projects. Most notably, he confirms the title and some of the story for the series finale, and (thank Jeebus) expresses quite an interest in moving to cable.

Come Emmy time…
So this is obviously a lock for the Best Comedy nomination, and should honestly topple the 30 Rock streak as winner, but which actors do you think will get the nod? (I know it's a long way away, but I put a lot more stock in entertainment awards than I should.)

I was under the impression that since there are so few V clinics, spreading the R6 stuff would be a lot more effective and reach more people quicker if it went out to the masses via the flu shot. A shit load of people get a flu shot every year, and what the the ol' H1N1, I've seen lines at the clinic half a block

I wouldn't exactly say…
that Zobelle is "safe" behind bars. Weston is all kinds of pissed, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least for him to be the instrument of Zobelle's undoing.

I don't think there's a more satisfying moment then being able to punch the minstrels. Tired of those money-grubbing fuckers getting in the way? Lay their asses out.

I thought so. The ending will really make you want AC3, though. Plus, there's free-play at the end, so you can still collect all the feathers/side missions you may have missed.

Monkey Island 3 (or, The Curse Of…) is fucking brilliant. So brilliant in fact, that I couldn't even finish the fourth one because it was so not-as-brilliant as MI3.

I liked Snake Eater the best. Those games are so full of all these little artsy touches, like when you're climbing this ridiculously long ladder that's literally the height of a mountain, you're treated to a haunting, solo a capella reprise of the James Bond-esque themesong. Great, great game.

Check out Sims 3, there's tons of improvements.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. A great RPG, and it shows just how good a Star Wars story can be as long as George Lucas has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Beat it last night…
Ten times better than the first* one. The mission structure is more in line with a GTA game, and offers a shitload more variety than the "see this guy? Get 'im" style of the original.

Great move
Tuesday's have been kind of a wasteland on the Networks this season, so this is good. Plus, it gets it out of the way of Glee, and ABC can keep their whole "Comedy Wednesday" thing going.

Have any of you guys (and I'm assuming we're all sweaty-palmed male nerds here, sorry to any ladies who might be here) read Steven Erickson's Malazan series yet? I'm on book 4 and I think I'm good and hooked. The first one was a little shaky, but each one has been getting better and better. And good news,

I really hate the handheld camera in this show. I'm fine with the technique in general, it just feels so out of place here. It pulls me out of every scene they use it in.

"Who can tell me what a ballad is?"
"A male duck."

It took Brittany 8 weeks to actually talk, so I'm sure his time's coming.