
"The Berenstain Bears" directed by Mario van Peebles.

Well, I just lost a lot of respect for Wes Anderson.

Well, having played both for a couple of hours each, I can honestly say that Uncharted is a much better game. After the first two levels, I can already tell that I'll be wanting to keep it and replay it later down the road. Not so with Brutal Legend. It's still a lot of fun, and highly imaginative, but it's not

The commercials all have these horrible drapes or forest scenes on the sides of the frame, making the movie 4:3. Is that throughout the entire film, or is the actual print 16:9? I've only seen the film on a 4:3 TV.

I actually really agree with this complaint. It also adds an unfortunate extra step when I want to see if anybody has replied to one of my comments.

And Mass Effect 2, and Final Fantasy XIII. I will have no money for the next few months.

That Toys-R-Us deal is fanfuckingtastic.
I do love a long campaign, though, and Uncharted 2's campaign is probably, what 8-12 hours? I'm not much for multiplayer, either.

I can't decide between this or Brutal Legend for my birthday. What do you guys think?

We are just killing time, aren't we.
Will somebody wake me up when Trinity and Dexter get together? Everything that is not about them (you know, 3/4 of the episode) is a complete drag. And the confrontation scene with the vandal was laughable at best.

Well, you're going to have to wait a while longer. I just read on EW.com that it's been pushed back A WHOLE YEAR so they can reformat the film into 3D. Lame.

I'm willing to send a Barbie doll to Fox…
How many do you think it would take? 1 million? 2? Let's get started.

Yet Peter manages just fine. Maybe it takes a while to adapt, and Bell hasn't been there long enough.

I wasn't going to watch this anyway…
But since my friend didn't get the job composing the music, I'm going to not watch this with heaping doses of withering disdain.


But she started flashing before Peter rang the bell, didn't she? At the crime scene, I thought she flashed, but I might be misremembering.

Okay, so my understanding of the worm experiment, as explained by Walter, was that if Worm A was trained to react to light, and an untrained Worm B ate Worm A, Worm B would then, through an osmosis-like occurrence, have those same reaction despite never being trained.

Yes, which is why the "Obamas moving into new White House" headline was on the newspaper in last season's finale. It got destroyed, and was rebuilt.

As did I.

I think it was just a misinterpretation on Brian's part. He was worried for his bro, and understandably titchy. But yeah, it was a dick move.

That's what I thought. I guess they only used pseudo just to add in the meth bust joke. Which is okay, but the episode would've played a lot better for me had the drug been caffeine pills or Jesse Spano's speed.