
My money's on Kevin. He seems to be the right balance of classic technique and imagination. Plus he looks like a hobbit.

Best Cat Moment
Had to be when she used Giant Tapper's shoe like a phone. Adorable. And not that many TV hosts would do a nose dive into a dancer's sweaty sneaker.

Enjoyable enough.
Was it formulaic, and full of stock plot points and characters? Yes. But I still had a lot of fun. I haven't read any of Brown's non-Langdon books, but those three, despite their obvious flaws, manage to be compulsively readable (though it helps when you end every. Single. Chapter on a

I didn't think the show was all that bad. The biggest problems are Rebecca Romijn's "acting" and the script, which just rambles on when a quiet moment would work so much better.

Slings is amazing. So smart and heartfelt, plus it features some of the best Shakespeare ever put on screen. The first couple of episodes are a little dry, but once it kicks into high gear, you won't want to stop watching.

If I had $200 Million…
One of my dream-projects-that-will-never-happen-because-no-network-would-be-crazy-enough-to-greenlight-it is the Worlds of Stephen King (horrible title, I know). IT, The Stand, Needful Things, Insomnia, The Talisman/Black House all done as 13 episode seasons, culminating in the epic 22 part

Todd, as in SFA "Go Jacks?" If so, small world.

I think we can all agree that the last 44 episodes have been various shades of suck.

Do you have Time Warner, Nick? I do, and I constantly have that problem. Fringe was okay last night, but I set It's Always Sunny to run long, and it still got cut off. Pisses me the fuck off.

An interview with the creators in TV Guide.

Supposedly, the creators of Flash Forward sold the show to ABC on the condition that it will run for 5 seasons only (unless it's canceled, of course). I really hope that kind of deal becomes the standard.

Observer Watch
I didn't spot him myself, but this handy website has a screengrab and video of the Observer's appearence last night. Scroll down a bit.

Except, you know, good.

The last three (or post van-crash) books get a lot of derision around here. Personally, I loved them and thought it ended perfectly.

Unsurprising? I just rewatched season 1, and there were more scenes with just the two of them than I remembered. And they had a definite sense of familiarity at the least. So it was pretty well set up, I think.

Yeah, I kind of made the leap that he must've killed the nurse down there, but it would've been nice to have some help from the show with that. Having the Morpher first meet her in the boiler room would've been better, maybe, but then you get into wondering why the nurse was down there in the first place.

Shit, really? That's….wow. I'm signing up for that shit.

And a brief look through my blu-ray's (totally awesome, by the way, you should own it) episode guide tells me that it was "Bad Dreams," the one with Olivia's abilibuddy from when they were kids.

Goldsman cowrote this episode, and wrote one of the really good ones last year…can't think of which one, but it was good.

I have two DVRs and could barely get everything. Good thing that the cable networks rebroadcast their shows.