
Maybe I missed something…
When the Morpher cornered Charlie in the boiler room, was the nurse's corpse already there? Or did they fuck up and conveniently drop in the nurse's corpse to prolong the whole "is that really Charlie" moment?

Maybe that store is one of the "soft spots" that Nina talked about in the S1 finale. That room is a convergence of the two dimensions, so whoever the Morpher was talking to was at that moment sitting in that room in the other dimension. And the mirror is a window. Or something.

It this "something" is a rose, I'm gonna shit my pants and have a geekgasm at the same time.

I tired of that universe quickly.

Yeah, I'm thinking Kirk Acevedo isn't going to be on the show much longer. The Morpher can't keep his appearance forever. Shame, too, I really like the actor.

Car Crash
Hey, remember that completely out-of-nowhere, random almost car crash that happened in last season's finale, and we were all like, "what the fuck?" Well, here you go. It's really great to see a show that has a definite gameplan of where it's going.

Can't you do both? Judging by your lengthy (and wonderful) Deadwood write-ups, word count is not an issue on this site.

Fatty on the Dancefloor
Nice to see that SYTYCD is not above the current Fatsploitation trend. In no way, shape, or plus-size form should Bigguns have gone to the choreography round. If he were skinny and did those same moves, he would've been immediately cut.

C'mon, Tom Arnold was highLAReeus in True Lies.

Spoken Word
I really liked Ryan's audition, overblown pretentiousness and all. While the other guy that did spoken word just uttered a few random things (Allure! Seduce! ShatterShatterShatter!), Ryan's words had a cohesive theme, and I dug it.

That line right there sums up what I love about this show. It's completely unafraid to subvert all of its over-the-top cuteness with a dark, dirty mind. The mohawked kid smelling his fingers in the celibacy club was another highlight.

I've been thinking about putting that on the Netflix cue. Is it completely episodic, or does it have a more overarching narrative, a la latter day Buffy? Completely serialized would be preferred.

Stupid me, for waiting so long.
I gave up on this show about half an hour into the pilot last year. Then I saw on this site that it was getting A's, so I told myself I'd give it a try when it came on to dvd.

I've only seen one show do it right, and that was the season 3 finale of Battlestar, when you know who popped back in. If it was leaked before hand, I certainly didn't hear about it. And they also kept his/her (trying to avoid spoilers) name out of the credits until after the ending, and it worked like gangbusters.

This may be the first "smoking will kill you" moment on the show, but there was a whole conversation in the pilot about rebranding Lucky Strike to assuage fear of cancer. I can't remember if the show said that the Surgeon General's Warning had already gone on the packs or not, though. If they did, it was a gaff,

This may not be too bad…
I'm not too worried about this, actually. Remember, Disney also owned Touchstone, and Dimension, and seemed to really let them do their own thing creatively. And if this can somehow open the door for Marvel to get back the film rights to the X-Men and Spiderman, than that's great news.

Haven't seen Ponyo yet, but I've watched both Up and Coraline twice, now. Coraline's a great movie, but I just wasn't anywhere near as entranced the second time through. With Up, on the other hand, the second time was better than the first. So it's my pick for Best Animated.

What with the best picture now having five extra slots, I'm expecting D9, Up, Inglourious Basterds, Star Trek, and (long shot, but I think it was really great) Harry Potter* to take those five slots. The other five will be the same old maudlin shit we get year after year.

Agreed, I read it in one sitting (about 12 hours, I had nothing else to do) and didn't want it to end. I really hope he does do a sequel, but I think I'm okay being done with Fillory, too. There's plenty of other worlds to explore.

You guys do NOT want to hear about what happened when I saw Flowers in the Attic.