
I think I could safely say that AV Clubbers are not "most people."

Agreed. He was one of my favorite characters on Carnivale. Sadly, most people only know him from shit like Down Periscope.

I concur. Loved every second of it, and actually wanted it to be about an hour longer (to fill in more of the Basterd's backstory). Fucking amazing film.

Broadway on DVD
So why isn't every broadway show on DVD? Surely there's a market for that. I can understand waiting a couple of years to ensure that the only way people can see the show is at the theater, but after they close, there's no reason that I can think not to release the show's on DVD.

I'm surprised by that, actually. Yes, that…thing…was hideous, but I would've liked to see what other batshit crazy designs she has in her head.

The first thing I said when he came on was "That fucker looks like Pat Rothfuss." Of course I was the only one in the room who knew who that was.

Is IFC on Demand pay-per-view, or will it be free to me since I already have IFC?

I'm still waiting for the dish based on hookers & blow.

Well, so much for that. I popped it in, and was mind-numbingly bored for half and hour, despite the tits. I might be passing on this one.

Tits, you say? The pilot has actually been sitting on my shelf for months, and now I have a reason to pop it in. So, thanks for that.

"Touch this! I said touch it, you donkey!!"

Seriously though, that was very irresponsible on the show's part to make him do that, especially since they know he has a heart condition. I wonder if the show's insurance agent is shitting bricks or not.

I had my first 360 for well over a year without any problems, then got The Rings. My experience with the XBox customer support was great, though. I sent it in and got a brand new within the week, and haven't had problems since.

I'm the same way, I play all my games on my 360, because I'm an achievement whore, and use the PS3 for blu-ray/dvd. The upconversion is really good, much better than the $800 Denon blu-ray player my dad bought.

I actually liked the devil voice, but I hated the delivery, too. "Bring him to MEEEEE!" Corny. I think it would have been more effective and scary if she delivered with quiet menace. I did like her speech about giving up civilization for ecstasy, though.

I think we came to the consensus last week that Andy isn't supernatural, because earlier in the season he went all black-eyed at one of the parties. When he stumbled on Sam's would-be sacrifice, he wasn't there long enough to get snookered. Or something.

Didn't they imply that the majority of the Prawns were "drones," and that just a few had higher thought? Or did I just fill in that blank myself, I'm not sure.

Claude, I have to disagree. Leon is one of my favorite movies, and The Fifth Element is a hell of a good time. But take my opinions with a pillar of salt, because I haven't seen any of his stuff since.

10) Aronofsky

Well, anybody + Good Omens, really. That fuckin' movie need to get made, already.