
Terry Gilliam + Neil Gaiman
I think Gilliam could do a crazy-good Neverwhere, or Good Omens.

If you thought about those books as a TV show, then you're in luck, as HBO is working on the pilot right now. Sean Bean is Eddard, and the awesome Peter Dinklage is Tyrion.

Rothfuss wrote on the blog a few weeks back that he turned the manuscript over to the publisher, so it shouldn't be too much longer.

And I just saw that Name of the Wind is discussed further down the page, so forget I mentioned here.

I just picked up the first Malazan book, and plan on starting it today. I'd also suggest The Name of the Wind by Pat Rothfuss, I thought that was really good, and had a really interesting magic system.

I'm with you, Vadasz. I love that world, but I hate those books because I don't have the attention span required to read a 20 page description of Minas Tirith. I'm probably one of the few who likes the movies better, because they distill the books into everything I liked about them.

I read S&N a couple of months ago, and thought it was brilliant. It's by no means a quick read, but so rewarding. Susanna Clark really created a dense, thoughtful world, and every page was a joy. That's one of those books that, although it's over 1,000 pages, I would have happily spent another 1,000 reading it.

Have you read the Song of Ice and Fire books by George Martin yet? Probably the most "grown-up" fantasy series I've ever read. The first book is A Game of Thrones, check it out.

" I am a Very. Respectable. Bear."
I read this yesterday, cover-to-cover, and loved it. Very imaginative, and self-aware of it's obvious roots in Harry Potter and Narnia.

I hate myself.

No, Bill just glamored the shit out of him and he told the truth. Good idea about the anal, though, that'll help Jessica and Hoyt's relationship.

I was right there with you, with "this can't be it, can it?" attitude, but the cliffhanger erased those feelings.

It really does look great, and is a technique I hope more directors use in the future. I'm still not entirely sold on "all-digital" creations, a la Gollum, but I think Jonze has found a great balance between practical and CG.

I'll be stickin' with Netflix
Most of my queue is filled with TV shows, and Redbox doesn't offer that (at least not here). Plus, I can watch stuff instantly on my XBox for no extra charge though Netflix, so that's where my money goes.

October 16th.

That was a shit load of praise for what amounted to maybe 10 seconds on stage, too.

Donna, the "Journey" routine was stunning! And extra points for playing Steve Fucking Reich on primetime tv. I was entranced the whole time.

How about because he was paid to write about it, and wanted to do a good job. Simple enough.

Without giving too big a spoiler from the book, does Sarah fake-shooting Jason serve any purpose? If it does, great, I'll go with it. But if it was a fakeout just to yell boo at the audience, and serves no purpose whatsoever, then I'll start getting annoyed.

Gods, that "Dionysus is Satan" thing pissed me the fuck off. Completely unnecessary, people would still know that Maryann is bad news without relating her to a Christian bugaboo.