
I thought True Blood (parts of it, anyway) was shot in Shreveport.

I hated the Gods and Monsters book, too, if for no other reason than the fact he should have at least guessed "minotaur" when Sookie was attacked earlier this season. "A person with the body of a human but the head of a bull? A bull-man?" **closes large textbook over monsters of ancient Greece** "Nope, never heard

It really is fascinating, how vehement the fans get over what is mediocre writing at best. I read the books because I wanted to know what the hype was about, and because I was bored. It was tough to get though the cringe-inducing prose, but I guess I was entertained enough because I finished the series (I'm a sucker

Yeah, that's a fake. That scene at the end IS from Knowing.

Knowing Fox and their money-grubbing ways, you can bet that it WONT be on hulu. I hope it is, but I doubt it. Just rent the last disc from Blockbuster, if you're not into the whole torrent thing.

@Tim C

I read about ten pages of the first Mission Earth book, then quit. I'm guessing I made the right choice.

I'm thinking that these Dharma vids are how they're gonna answer the What Are the Numbers question. Darlton has said not to expect that answer on the show proper, and this would be a great way to appease the hardcore fans.

Sure, it's in no way "great" in the same way high-brow, literary fare like Tolstoy or McCarthy or whatnot. But for what it is, a fun, action packed pulp sci-fi yarn, it works like gangbusters. I had a great time reading it (it probably helped that I had no idea who Hubbard was when I first read it), and so, for me,

Battlefield Earth
Is a great book, in my opinion. But damn, that movie was shit.

Sorry, but she is waaaay to skinny for my tastes. Instead of fucking her, I just want to feed her a cheeseburger.

If you liked the first season, you should definitely get the second. It's amazing. But yes, the ending, while epic, is dissatisfying in that it answers most of the questions from the first two seasons, but raises dozens of others. But it's worth checking out.

Goddammit, you had to mention Carnivale. Anger at HBO rising….

ComicCon Trailer
Here's a link to the trailer for the second half of the season that was shown at ComicCon. Looks really good, too. Enjoy.

So does that just about confirm that it was not Jacob in the cabin, but rather "Essau?" (Or Blackie, whatever. Doesn't matter what you call him, he still looks like his mother fucked a monkey.)

It should be noted that Wade Robson did Victorian Zombies long before Jane Austen did. For what it's worth, you know?

She really is ridiculously annoying, and has come close to turning me off the show several times. And the producers keep encouraging it, like with the fucking train whistle. Is she too stupid to realize how self indulgent it is?

I think Melissa by all rights SHOULD go, but that cancerdance is gonna get a shitload of votes, so one of the other three will go packing, despite being better dancers.

Sweet feathery Jesus, it's an obvious Harry Potter reference, guys. Come on!

Frank McCourt
McCourt came to my university last year to speak, and I stupidly didn't go (though I got a friend to get my copy of Angela's Ashes signed). I'm really starting to regret that decision.