
The percussionist in me adores his hypnotic score for American Beauty. And his work on WALL-E is simply stunning. One of my favorite composers working today.

I'm glad somebody mentioned Giacchino! I'm really loving his work. I'm even gonna say that I like his Star Trek score better than both Goldsmith and Horner's.

I ran out and bought the soundtrack as soon as I left the theater. Mansell's finest work, I think.

That's the truth, Kyle. A friend of mine was so excited to pick up the dvd when it came out last year. We got together and watched it and were mighty disappointed. Funny how time makes you remember things being better than they are.

I didn't know that the Wolfman had nards.

This actually doesn't suck!
I'm a fan of the show, though it can be a bit too "kiddie" at times (What? A Nickelodeon show, kiddie?) But I really dig the mythology, and thought it told an engaging story.

I mean AFTER he signed the paper, would they really need to keep paying him?

Roy Till
Wasn't that Roy Till spying on Nancy at the end? So maybe he offed Sucio to root out Esteban?

Hey, look! Foreshadowing!
So is anybody else getting the "Jackie is pregnant" vibe? Two mentions of nausea, and a warning that pill addiction + fetus = not so fun times.

Eli Wallach is still damn ugly.

Bogart, I know Arthur + Morgana = Mordred, but Arthur didn't know he was fucking his sister. Morgana was in the guise of Guinevere, wasn't she?

Hold the hell up! You mean there's a way I can play Monkey Island on my Mac? And I haven't heard about this yet???

The Pacific
Did anybody catch the trailer for The Pacific that came on after True Blood? It's the "quasi-sequel" to Hanks' and Spielberg's Band of Brothers, covering WWII in the Pacific theater.

"But if Skull was the final nail in the franchise's coffin…"
Sadly, no. I read a news story the other day where Spielberg said they're working on the Indy 5 script.

Any word of a demo on either Xbox Live or the Playstation Network?

It's really hard for me to buy the quasi-romance between Morgana and Arthur, them being half-siblings and all.

"It Came From Beneath the Sink" will be taught in college classrooms in 20 years. Count on it.

The art is fanfuckingtastic, but the narrator gets on my nerves. It overuses the language affectations to an extreme degree. Not ever sentence has to end with "do ya' kennit?"

I really enjoyed that one. A neat take on the alien invasion trope. And vagina tentacles.

Battle Royale is a lot of fun, but be prepared to wade through some klunky-ass writing. I'm sure it's better in Japanese, but the translation stinks.