
There's a theory that I quite like that somewhat explains why the Crimson King was such a pushover at the end of DT, called "The Twinner Theory," or some such.

Poooof, Todd does a brilliant writeup for Deadwood, check it out.

I found this blog that lists all the music used on the show, and provides links to download the music on iTunes. So if you hear a track you particularly like, but can't remember the name of the song from the show, check this site out.

It's certainly not subtle, but I think his take on Jesus—that he's been coming back but we keep killing him—is interesting.

Personally, I don't get Shane Sparks's choreography. I'm not saying it isn't good, because I can see where it is, but I just prefer NapTab's more lyrical hip-hop. Every Shane Sparks routine looks the same to me, all elbows and knees.


And the Magic Negro was Jesus, so I give King points for being a little controversial.

Coffee, like the drink
I always give The Green Mile to people looking to try some King. If they like it, (%100 success rate so far) I send them on to The Shining, and then some of the hard core stuff, like The Stand, and IT (still my favorite).

I thoroughly enjoyed Duma Key, which I thought was a return to his 8o's style of ghost stories. Still haven't got around to Lisey's Story, though it's sitting on my bookshelf.

I'm of the opinion that every TV show would be made better with Bourdain. I like Ted Allen, too, but I guess he can never come back because of his other show (is that still on?).

I'm a little disappointed in Wylie. This was definitely his to lose. But I think you're right about getting fucked over by the timer in the Quickfire. If he'd have had that under control, he would of walked away with the win.

"Can she help them find a way to make it sound like Daniel Day Kim and the chick who plays Sun have ever spoken Korean before in their entire lives?"

What Jfett said.

First Five Star Rating
Didn't the Girlscouts give Keller's chocolate mouse 5 stars last week? Or was I black-out drunk again?

I really like that one, too. But I think my favorite Al moment in season 1 is right after he offers Johnny the road agent job. The look of utter bewilderment on Al's face as he leaves Johnny to his excitement just slays me every time.

"the camp's normal denizens and its ad hoc gods"
Ad fuckin' hoc. Free fuckin' gratis.

Whither Noah?
So does this mean that his long-gestating biblical epic is off the shelf? Damn shame, that.

Yeah, I don't get the hate either. What a beautiful film. I damn near got in a fist fight (well, the nerd equivalent) over whether that movie was coherent or not. Some people just don't want to think while watching a movie.

I too do the annual rewatch (and probably will for years to come) but I don't start until around October, just enough time to cram it all in before the new season.

How much longer until Brooks turns Spaceballs into a Broadway musical? I assume Blazing Saddles is next.