
Wasn't Nancy spoutin' some "Yeah," "Right there" and so forth? My vote is for not rape, which is oddly a first.

The only way I can see bringing Celia's plot into the main one is to have the Revolucionarios revolt in Tijuana, where Esteban is the mayor. (It is Tijuana, right?) That'd be great if only to see Celia with an AK pressed to her shoulder.

Look, it's snowing!
While I like the dreamily cascading drug motif, that runs a risk of getting old after awhile.

I read about the first 10 Anita Blake books, and thought they were great, scary fun. But then the sex started to outweigh the story and characters, so I gave up.

I think my favorite bit in the first season (at least I think it's in the first season) is that absolutely brutal takedown that Bartlet lays on that uber-Christian lady at a dinner. And Sam's stinger is perfect. "I'm, uh…I'm gonna take this crab puff."

I just finished Strange & Norrell, Tom. Absolutely loved it, but I don't know how viable it would be for this club. It's over 1000 pages.

Put me down on the list of shameful people that hasn't finished Blood Meridian yet. Stupid responsibilities, getting in the way of my leisure time.

While I already knew that from poking around on the interwebs, there are certainly people who read this site that would have rather found out for themselves by watching the show. If you must spoil, please warn before you do.

Dammit, Bag, why'd you have to bring Harry into this. Them's fightin' words.

Okay, okay, I'll give Popeye another chance. But I really hated it when I watched it. I will admit to the possibility of "not getting it," since I was in junior high and still thought the Power Rangers were the coolest thing ever.

I completely forgot about that. I guess I just never noticed her dancing next to Will.

Good lord, Battle School would be the shit.

Gryffindor all the way, pal. Seriously though, I'm in my twenties too, but damn I want to be a wizard so bad.

Seriously, Leonard?
Altman's Popeye?!?! Unfairly vilified?!?!? SERIOUSLY?!?!?

Best thing about that routine was getting to see how some of the non-hip-hoppers would do in that genre. Max, Brandon, and Caitlin killed it. Asuka, not so much.

But didn't Jessica end up being pretty damn good? She was the Hok's partner, right? That Flower & Bird routine is still one of my favorites.

Asuka & Vitolio were the only couple I didn't care for, but I blame the bland choreography more than the dancing.

See Angels in America (full frontal) and last season of Weeds (tittyboobs).

*Weinberg, obviously.

So when Letterman retires…
Do you think Ferguson's gonna get that job?