
Yeah, I'm probably going to wear black all summer long after Lost ends. It's really going to be weird not having that to look forward to. But there will be other stuff on the horizon, I'm sure. And it will probably be on cable.

That ending is just downright haunting. A perfect conclusion to that show, which, as you say, was frustrating at times. It plays a lot better in a five-season marathon.

I actually cried twice. The Ellie montage, and then when Carl sees the completed adventure book. A really beautiful moment and good God there I go again…

It does indeed have four sides, but if all for sides are, say, five inches long, then it is all squared away.

Jennn, me too. The Ellie montage had tears streaming down my face. For whatever reason, it's only Pixar's movies that really get this reaction out of me. Maybe I regress a little emotionally watching their films, and that leaves me more vulnerable. Anyway, I was crying, and the kids next to me were jumping up and

Also Atta in A Bug's Life, Sally in Cars, and Boo in Monsters Inc. Not main characters, sure, but the ladies are getting represented. Oh, and Edna was the best character in Incredibles, and still counts despite being voiced by Brad Bird.

I always thought 5x5 was a play on "all squared away." Everything's 5 x 5, meaning good.

As hard as it is for me to feel sorry for somebody who wants to be called Sex, I do feel sorry for him. He's a sad, sad individual. (Not sad because he's a terrible dancer, you know, it's your passion or whatever, so keep at it.) The way he sought his mom's approval before getting up on stage for Sex With Leo was

That was pretty damn skeevy. As soon as I saw them holding hands, I was pretty sure that there was incest involved. Watching them dance only sealed it.

Good times, indeed, Conan. We had wool uniforms too in both high school and college, and they could be classified as torture. And of course, the SFA marching band (go Jacks!) had to upgrade to the swanky light-weight nylon uniforms AFTER I left.

HBO's horizon looks pretty good, too, with another season of Big Love, Scorsese's Boardwalk Empire, Treme (a.k.a. The Wire in New Orleans), and hopefully they'll do the right thing and pick up A Game of Thrones.

Gobias, Presto is my favorite, too. I want that rabbit.

Wall-E turns me into a blathering idiot, too. After they get back to Earth and Wall-E's broken and doesn't remember a thing? That shit wrecks me. But then the kiss makes it all better and goddammit I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

Carnivale ran FOUR season short. Daniel Knauph (sp?) intented it to be six seasons long, three "books" of two seasons each. All we saw was the fucking beginning of the story.

Yeah, there's always a couple of songs every episode that I want to download. At least on performance night they tell us what the song is and who it's by, but I'm lost on audition nights, hearing songs I really like but having no clue as to what they are.

Kung Fu Panda is definitely Dreamworks' best film so far, but it still doesn't hold a candle to anything by Pixar (yes, even Cars).

I don't think fat people could handle it. (Speaking as a fellow fatty, by the way.) I mean physically. A two hour marching band practice (nerd alert!) used to just about kill me, so I can't imagine 12 hour days of dance.

Phel is right on the money about True Blood being frustrating. You can see moments of brilliance (Stephen Root's lonely gay vampire) and the promise of a great show, but it hasn't gotten there yet. They're much too concerned with going for shocky camp, to eye rolling effect.

Hey, I suggested West Wing for the TV Club a few months ago! I RULE this site!

The pink bear!! I saw the pink bear!!
At least I think I did…