
Just once I'd love to see a disabled person on a TV show not be fawned over. I don't know, I just find it ridiculously patronizing, the whole "you're such an inspiration because you're brave enough to show your deformed body on television" thing. I had the same problem all season with Scott on AI. "Yeah, your

Yeah, Nigel annoyed me too, with the lite homophobia. You'd think a man who comes from the dance world would be a little more down with that.

Genevieve is the drunk one, right?

So you haven't seen the 2nd season? You are in for one hell of a ride.

Claire, are you (or anybody) covering So You Think You Can Dance? It really is a great show, better than Idol even.

Adam is the better singer, but Kris has "commercial" written on his forehead. I don't think I could take Adam for a whole album, but I can Kris.

I hate myself for saying this…
But I'm actually kind of okay with Kara right now. I really think that Bikini Girl had no clue that Kara was gonna pop out behind her. Her reaction was too real. And you know what? Kara can actually sing. And a pretty hot body.

According to EW
The glitch during the BEP performance was actually will.i.am's idea to censor the song.

But the perfect number of transsexuals.

LOVE that book. It's been about a year, so a reread is called for.

I love Life of Pi. Last I heard, Shyamalan had the rights to the movie, which would just be awful.

I'm reading it for the first time (I serendipitously picked it up the same day as Geek Love, actually) and I gotta say, it's kind of a slog. I can tell that there's a hell of a story here, it's just the writing style is taking me a while to get into. I actually get more out of the little pre-chapter run-downs than I

Awesome catch! I've always loved that episode anyway, but that just makes it better.

Yeah, that trailer really dialed down my excitement for the movie. I'm really hoping it's just a marketing ploy, trying to trick people into seeing an action flick.

One of the most harrowing scenes in network TV history, in my opinion. If you can find the episode online, it's worth a look.

The Tracy thread was the weak link
but all was forgiven when Alan Alda popped in with that MASH reference. "What's with the crying over a chicken and a baby? I thought this was a comedy!"

Normally top credit for a script is given to the writer that does the bulk of the work on that script, I believe.

Ooh, nice. So Jacob is Ben Hawkins, and Esau/Blackie is Brother Justin?

Jacob's Odyssey
I posted this in another thread, but it's pretty buried, so if you missed it…

Okay, according to Doc Arzt, the Greek on Jacob's tapestry is "May heaven grant you in all things your heart's desire," which is a quote from the Odyssey.