
Sadly, I don't speak Greek, but I'll try to find it online.

I think that was Farci, but I could be wrong.

About Not-Locke still having some of Locke in his head, I'd say…yes? He still seemed to have Locke's memories ("I remember dying," "this is the place we first met").

So what I'm wondering now is, was it actually Esau in the cabin that told Locke, "help me?" Has Locke been Esau's puppet this whole time?

What lies in the shadow of the statue?
Ille qui nos omnes servabit.

Jacob and Esau
So I think that the man who wanted Jacob killed is Esau, Jacob's fraternal twin brother. I've been doing a shitload of research since the finale ended, and came across some interesting things.

Sadly, this thinny lacked the horrible, horrible monsters that come with some of the others. You know, it's about time for a reread of the old DT books.

You know what would be cool?
I don't know if this is at all possible this late in the game, but I think it'd be really neat if, to cap off the coverage on Geek Love, you guys got an interview with Katherine Dunn. Actually, that'd be a really cool thing to do for all the books we do here, hearing what the author has

Just had a thought: We know that ZFT is preparing for a war with "soldiers from another dimension." Perhaps the army that ZFT aims to fight against is actually Bizarro ZFT from the other dimension.

Your logic is undeniable, and I shall henceforth Netflix that shit.

Okay, think of this universe as a sausage. And around our sausage is a warm, flaky, buttery pastry. The sausage is completely encapsulated by the pastry, so the only place the little cheese bits inside the sausage could go once they left the sausage is into the pastry, infusing it with their cheesy goodness. We'll

Think of the different universes as being stacked one on top of another. We can only go into the ones that we're right next to.

Seriously, that would've been great. Worst kept secret on the show, ever.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, 9/11 hit DC instead of NYC.

So, is Walter's deranged state perhaps punishment for his abduction of Peter? Did Walter 2 get revenge by addling Walter 1's brains?

That's always annoyed me, spoiling the surprise guest star by listing him/her in the opening credits. The only show I can think of that didn't do that was the season 3 finale of BSG. And it worked brilliantly.

"Is there another Walter out there, searching for his Peter? "
I'd say yes, and that we've already seen him. Remember Walter's "split-personality" in the mental hospital?

I voted at least 20 times for Kris
First time I've done that, really, the whole speed-dial voting thing. But I loved, LOVED was he did with "Heartless." Best of the night.

Great movie! But my favorite Albert Brooks movie is, and probably always will be, Finding Nemo.

Freaks was good until the last shot of the film, where the woman had her own head but the body of a duck, and was quacking? What the fuck?