
The fire was too sudden. It would've been nice to see Chick's incendiary tendencies earlier in the book. But that scene after the fire as Lil was trying to, ahem, restart her family with her husbands corpse was pretty great, in a shocking way.

The parents were in huge denial. I think that when Arturism got into full swing, they really started to see the monsters that they selfishly created, and closeted themselves away from what was happening as much as possible.

I thought it was fascinating,
but I don't think I'm ever gonna read it again. I think I could've done without the fantasy element of Chick's telekinesis. It led to some really interesting places (the insemination, the explosive finale), but the rest of the novel was so gritty and real, Chick kind of took me out of

There a link for every single topic, isn't there?

Okay, Independence Day was a bad choice, but the point still stands. Also, The Hobbit. Of all the caves in all of Middle-Earth, Bilbo wanders into Gollum's? Or Magnolia, there an movie built entirely on coincidences. Sometimes coincidences are necessary to move a story along. And you can't say they don't happen

Imagine on the entirety of Dagobah, Luke manages to crash in the swamp right next to Yoda's hut. Or in the Dark Night, how there just happens to be a convenient bus-sized gap in traffic for the Joker to slip into. Or Independence Day, how the alien's computers just happen to be compatible with Windows '95.

She was talking about her "aural sensitivity," as in her hearing skills. When I was a music major, we had to take a class call Aural Skills, and the prof never heard the end of the jokes.

The lens-flares were indeed put there for a reason. I read an interview the other day where the cinematographer put them there on purpose (by shining a flashlight at a mirror and reflecting it back to the camera) to heighten the "shiny and new" look of the new Enterprise, and of the franchise itself.

Giacchino is indeed a god, Yummsh. I love his work, especially on Lost and Ratatoullie. But he outdid himself with this one.

Bones mentions giving Kirk a shot of Cortisal (sp?) while he's having all those bad reactions. Cortisal was the drug that made Bones go crazy in "City on the Edge of Forever," if memory serves.


All they spoil is that one scene where Kirk and Spock finally realize their true love for each other and have hot, steamy, pointy-eared space-sex.

As an old-school Trek fan (I was weaned on that shit), I'd say that this film was the muthafuckin' bee's knees. It rocked so hard even the Horta's face was melted.


Just finished the ep. "I'm gonna kill him." Holy shit.

This shit is P-L-A-N-T-A-I-N-S!

'Cept for that thing of, you know, being dead and all, he would make an outstanding judge.

Adam's the gay one, right?

goddamn time warner
I missed the last 19 minutes of the show tonight. Time Warner's system glitched, and both of my DVRs (yes, I record Lost on two separate DVRs, wanna fight about it?) stopped recording.

My apologies to Dreamworks, then, though (Kung Fu Panda aside) this seems like the kind of shit they make.