
I didn't even notice if the CG was bad or not, I was too caught up in Emerson's gut-wrenching performance. Too me, it looked like it's always looked: a shit-load of smoke.

A Batmanuel Phone?

How was Last Days? I've been avoiding it after Elephant, which I didn't think was bad, just a little too full of itself.

Wait, so by that logic, Snowman, the only time Smokey could appear would be when Ben (or someone) drained the puddle?

By 'reanimated' do you mean 'walking corpse?' Because I'm thinking she was just Smokey taking Alex's form, like he did Yemi during Eko's judgement.

But he doesn't just disapear, it's not like Poof! Shit, where's John Go? He said he was going to find a rope, so he left to go find one.

But Smokey urged Ben to follow Locke. That makes me think that they're disparity between the two.

Locke and Ben have long been my two favorite characters, so any scene with them together is solid gold in my book. But tonight was especially sweet, what with Locke's almost childlike "nyah nyah, I know something you don't know" gleam in his eye.

Yeah, I'd say that the game of Risk still being there throws that theory out the window. The timeline wasn't altered, because whatever happened…well, you know the rest.

Ben's Judgement
Great Lost scene, or greatest Lost scene?

See, I was kinda hoping he'd think, "There's no fucking way they'd put that washed-up old freak on the stage." Sorry, everyone.

Yeah, I noticed that they were singing live too. And it really made me miss the pre-recorded tracks. Between the 8 of them they had to be in 5 different keys.

Dance Magic, Dance
Good lord, that was the worst Ford Music Video they've done in a while. None of them are great, but at least a few have had some interesting visuals. This was just lazy and boring.

Each episode is a half hour, so 2 and 1/2 a week.

I'm thinking "Pan-dimensional Being" myself. They made a huge deal in "Ability" about an upcoming war between Earth and another dimension. Perhaps The Observers (plural, now) are scouts of some kind?

Is there a demo on XBox Live? I'm liking the looks of this one, and might check it out.

I know, but I dug it anyway. I like little inside jokes like that. Anyway, who knows, maybe his time with Landry nerdified him a little.

The game was shot so beautifully, too. The frenetic camera and cutting during the first half, and then slowing down to that poetic denouement of a fieldgoal was inspired filmmaking. (Also, not scoring the fieldgoal, just having the natural sound.)

Anybody else catch the X-Men comic on Riggins's nightstand? Nice little shout-out to his burgeoning film career.

I believe this Bizarro Karatloz's icon is actually upside-down. That's how you tell.