
There is but one god, and his name is…
Simon, bitches!! He's totally my hero after telling that no talent tattooed twat that they would under no circumstances save her skinny ass. Simon is my hero.

I have to throw in with Darth Wheel, Martin's "Ice and Fire" series is beyond amazing. And Ahclem, do you read his blog? www.georgerrmartin.com

It's fucking patronizing, too. The boo the loudest when they know the singer did a shit job. The booing audience is the thing I hate the most about live reality competition shows. The judges are trying to say something constructive (most of the time) to help the contestant, but the audience can't have that. It's

I didn't hate tonight THAT much…
But it was still pretty damn bad. I know I bitch about her every week, but how the hell did Megan get on this show? Ugh.

I'm sure you can catch the performances on youtube tomorrow.

Except that a deus ex machina solves problems and ties up loose ends. Redistricting will create all sorts of new problems.

Somebody in the band raped you, didn't they?

What annoyed the fuck out of me is that they kept calling it "Bug Slug," which is just stupid.

Dammit! This is why we really need an edit feature…

And that right there is why I think it's an interesting dynamic. The band works its ass off in practice every day, and is at the games supporting the football team week after week, but the jocks don't even realize it. There's good drama in that.

I don't think she's an upperclassman, Mr. McCoy said she was 15, though he could have just been being derogatory.

I thought it was a leftover from the wardrobe department of Clueless.

Not to turn this into a Lost argument thread or anything, but have you watched Lost recently? It's better right now than it's ever been.

Perhaps they send them up to the attic?

Nice MST3K reference with your name/avatar, by the way.

Yeah, that makes sense. Retracted.

Not only is there JD, but his girlfriend has potential regular status written all over her, as does the black player from a few episodes ago whose artsy parents hate football. Plus, Landry's only a junior.

I think you got it backwards. Rossum funds Dollhouse.

Give Topher a Break
I actually kind of like Topher, but that's probably because Xander was my favorite Buffy character. Anyway, I like his dorky-genius schtick, and that scene between him and Adele where they first start feeling the effects of the drug was pretty damn funny. ("I find lentils incomprehensible.")

New AI?
Here's a crackpot theory: John Henry isn't Skynet. The new, secret AI is actually Skynet. Weaverbot is actually part of the faction of robots that's split off from Skynet in the future (remember the one's Future John wanted to join him?), so she came back to nurture John Henry (whom she thinks is Skynet)