
I had hoped that Gokey would sing "The Girl is Mine," only change the 'is' to 'was.' It would've been brilliant.

Joey, you're not alone. I don't think Alexis was the worst girl of the night (that honor goes to Megan, by far) but it was a definite step down from the semis.

I didn't even think about Bottle Rocket. For me it was Michael Scott sitting on a lonely park bench throwing whole slices of bread at non-existent pigeons.

Rockin' That Robin
"Caw!!!! Caw!!!!"
-Megan Corkrey, American Idol

Um, is this right?
Did the episode start off with the gang mid-fight with what appears to be a mongol in a stable while Ben is for some reason holding a rabbit? Or did my local CW affiliate fuck up somehow? 'Cause that's the first thing I'm seeing (I'm watching it right now), and it makes absolutely no sense.

Haven't we seen the little Gracie Bell multiple times this year, if only in passing? I seem to remember Coach playing with her a couple of times, and then they talked about her and the new house this past week. Maybe I dreamed it, I don't know.

Thanks, that helps.

Jeez, I've tried to read Atlas Shrugged I think five times now. It doesn't help that I have the mass market paperback, and the print is ridiculously small and gives me a headache, but I just can't get into it. People tell that that book will "change my life," but whatever, I'll probably be fine without it.


Forgive my ignorance…
…but who the hell is Hodges? Is he in the government? I don't think this has been addressed yet, but was it in 24: Redemption? (I didn't catch that.) He seems like a dude with a lot of power, so I'm curious.

BucketHead, my main problem with it is that it seems like everyone and their mother is a spy, or working for the government. Chuck's old roommate, Chuck's old girlfriend, and probably Chuck's dad. Don't you think that's a bit much?

Refresh my memory, does Lyle know what's going on, and that Claire is superhuman?

I hadn't heard that about Bakula. That's some damn fine casting, right there.

Yeah, I was a little miffed that Chuck decided not to move in with Sarah. That would've given their will-they-wont-they story some actual forward momentum. And Morgan has to find out before the season's over, right?

Seriously, if Chuck's dad turns out to be the creator of the Intersect, I'm outta here. And I love this show, so I really hope that's not the case.

I haven't read it since high school, so I don't remember any wacky philosophies. All I remember is kick-ass pulpy sci-fi with a lot of great action. Maybe I'll read it again.

Wait a minute…
I thought this didn't premiere until next week….Shit.

Battlefield Earth, right? Fantastic book, god-awful movie.

I disagree. I don't think there was a more hilariously uncomfortable shot this episode than Andrew Daly nonchalantly jerkin' himself off through his bike shorts.

Dollhouse, Inc.
I hope nobody's mentioned this yet: