
I loved her during Jesse's performance, especially. Her grimace was screaming "Is this cracka bitch really tryin' to sing Chaka?" And I agreed with her.

Megan already sucked before the comparison to McPhee. I seriously don't get what the judges see in her, her voice is awful and too nasal, never mind that she can't find pitch, and she dances like a 3 year old who has to pee.

So something I've been mulling around in my head for awhile about that ending: We know that the number 19 is hugely important in that world. What if the journey that we read was Roland's 18th time through the cycle, and the next one, the 19th, will be the last, since he does have the horn. That's a shit-load of…

The Monkey Island games are my favoritest games ever. Talk about a brilliant script.

I'm with Pilgrim, I love the last book, but I didn't find it anticlimactic. Not really. Well, the showdown with the Crimson King was a little lacking (EEEEEEEE!!!!), but I love, LOVE, the ending, and will defend it to my last breath.

I'm with Pilgrim, I love the last book, but I didn't find it anticlimactic. Not really. Well, the showdown with the Crimson King was a little lacking (EEEEEEEE!!!!), but I love, LOVE, the ending, and will defend it to my last breath.

Snape is such a tragic character, too. Ben's had some tragedy in his past, but I think Snape's got him beat. Being unknowingly complicate in the death of the woman you love, only to have to protect her son (by your bitter rival), who has her eyes, and oh yeah, you can't tell him about it?

Snape is such a tragic character, too. Ben's had some tragedy in his past, but I think Snape's got him beat. Being unknowingly complicate in the death of the woman you love, only to have to protect her son (by your bitter rival), who has her eyes, and oh yeah, you can't tell him about it?

See, now we need the full story, Claire. You can't just drop a bomb like that and walk away.

Symbology also means "the use of symbols" and "representations by means of symbols," as per the American Heritage dictionary, so I think I used it correctly. But yeah, "symbolism" would've been better.

A WERE-spider baby. I'm still not sure how I feel about that scene. Kind of an anticlimactic end to Flagg, don't you think?

Erm, Harry Potter Spoilers??

I know a couple of knuckle draggers who constantly preach that that movie is the bestest movie ever made. It's for that reason alone that I haven't watched it yet.

Wow, I don't know what happened there. Let's try that again.

Liv Tyler Eric Bana.

The only anime series I've seen is one called Basalisk. It aired on IFC a couple of years ago. I thought it was pretty damn interesting, if uneven.

You know, we've never seen them in the same room together….

You could be right, Pilgrim. It just didn't sound right. It's been too long since I took a grammar class.

I do enjoy his Totally Lost webisodes. Funny stuff.

Dammit, *me, not I. Grammer is for loosers.