
As long as we're talking favorite Jack moments, one of mine is in the "prisoner" block of season 3. Kate comes in to plead with him to save Ben so they won't kill Sawyer. His face when she walks in is so full of unconditional love, and then when he breaks apart after she tells him about Sawyer. Good stuff.

"It didn't pop in my mouth."
That's what she said!!!

I think watching the cancer eating away at Raul Julia's soul would've been preferable to tonight's Idol. Just awful.

Well, I did say it with utmost affection…

Mayhaps it is Annie, Ben's Dharma-girl? Didn't she have brown hair?

Great analogy! And Darlton has ripped of The Stand for characters before (I say 'ripped off' with utmost affection). Charlie = Larry Underwood, Claire = Frannie.

I'm with Yummsh. Fox killed the hospital scene.

I'm gonna go ahead and say yes? Because, where's his body? Not in the coffin.

Yeah, I feel a little vindicated on the runway. Another sign of forward thinking on the writers' part.

Yeah, I was worried that they'd just drop Walt, but I'm convinced now that he's coming back. They're not gonna throw in "Hey, so guess what? I can see the fyu-tcha!" willy-nilly.

Your points are fair, Ghost. Jubal is quite long winded, but as Jimmy James said, that was all Heinlein. Maybe I'm biased, because I read it when I was about 16, and it's the thing that made me really question organized religion, and set me on the path of Free Thought.

Did anybody watch the miniseries of Riverworld that the SciFi Channel did a few years back? It was intended as a pilot for a series, a la Battlestar, but it didn't take off. Shame, too, because it was pretty good.

Dune would be a horrible intro into SciFi. It's an amazing book, but boy is it DENSE. I can seriously see people getting scared away when they notice that there's an entire lexicon in the back that you need to know.

No love for Patrick Stewart's awesomely underrated turn as a Neo-Lear in King of Texas?

Julie Taymor
Didn't have anything to do with the Lion King movie, but she did conceive and direct the stage play. Which I saw a couple of years ago in Houston, and it was really great.

The mind-reading stare IS horrible, but it's still lightyears ahead of:

He's a master of karate, and friendship! For Everyone!!


Hmm, I'd have to go with 2. Bill was pretty damn shaken in this episode. He's finally beginning to see the family he has is not the family he wants.

Pinacle of Bowie
For me, everything I ever needed to know about David Bowie is in Labyrinth. Sheer awesomeness personified.