
I thought he said Ganko. Seriously.

I had a black lab (African-American lab? Not sure what's PC here…) with epilepsy. She finally had a big gran-mal seizure and it killed her. I had her for 8 years.

No, Rusty, I agree with you. Thomas Newman is one of the best composers working today, and his WALL-E score was breathtaking. But the Slumdog score was great too, and filled with a lot more excitement.

Seriously, he made it sound like a casino lounge song. I used to kind of like John Legend, too. His nutmeg song on Colbert's Christmas Special was pretty great.

*Wish*—I type with a lisp, apparently.

I kind of with that they would show the nominated songs in context. The two Slumdog songs work much better with all the pretty colors and hyper-cuts in the film. The only one (for me, anyway) that holds up outside of the film was Down To Earth, and it didn't win.

Absolutely the best of the nominees (I won't say Best Picture of the year, because the actual best picture was one of those "silly cartoons"). It gets a lot of flack for being overly contrived, but I had no problems with. And it's just damn pretty to look at.

I believe that I read that they originally intended to mute the audience applause during the In Memoriam, but decided on having Latifah sing instead, in hopes that she would drown out the crowd. Didn't quite work.

Typos be damned, it was a solid 30 Rock reference, and I salute you for it.

That was the best song of the night for me, and the REMIX just slammed it home.

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose Fox affiliate is run by amateurs. For the last several weeks, all of the Fox primetime shows have been dropping audio for a good 30 seconds at least 3 times per hour. Infuriating, especially on a show like Fringe where you need to hear every word.

I don't know…
This show is frustrating. I see moments of awesomeness interspersed with moments of corniness. I loved the imprinting scene, and the payoff later when Echo's and Lennix's roles are reversed in the woods.

Good point on Q, and the Borg were pretty damn intimidating, too.

Great Score
I can't remember the name of the person who scores this show, but I thought the music was especially fantastic tonight. Did you notice how when Jason was singing to his son, the score was playing along with him, hitting the right chords to match his song? A subtle touch, but really effective.

Know any good Holocaust jokes?
How do you fit 20 Jews in a Volkswagen?

It was. I was told it was going to be sexy. There was a good hour of naked, sweaty Kate Winslet, but I didn't find it very sexy.

Okay, seriously…
How the fuck is this a show. Do self-respecting housewives really sit around and watch these harpies bitch about whatever vapid thought flows through their minds? Just five minutes of that red-headed demon made me want to gouge out my eyes.

The ep I'm looking forward to most is "City on the Edge of Forever." One of the finest hours of TV ever.

That would be awesome.

Actually, now that I think about it, right after Ben moved the Island, didn't Jack tell Lapidus that there was a smaller island close by, to which Lapidus replied, "There's nothing out here, Doc!" or something?