
I assume so, because when the Island moved, there was absolutely nowhere for the helicopter to land. So, yes.

For the longest time, I thought that the perfect female breast should be conical. Fucking Madonna.

I really like that the island is constantly moving, but I wonder how often it moves. We know it had to be in the same place after the season 2 finale, because the island popped up on the Antarctic scientists' computer, and led Penny (and the freighter?) to that location. Maybe Desmond turning the fail-safe key

Make a lemon party?

Or Chang?

Pretty sure it was the Marshal.

Cassidy is a good guess, but with how distraught Kate is, I can't help but think he's somewhere where she's not quite comfortable with. Mrs. Hawking, maybe? Cassidy is a better guess, though.

Season 2 of The Wire. Docks really do suck, don't they?

I seriously thought she was going to collapse when Ryan called her and Danny to the stage. If she does make it through in the Wild Card round (doubtful, but you never know) I'd be worried about her health for the rest of the season.

Shocked, I say!
I'm completely flabbergasted that the Roughneck made it through! I thought he was one of the worst last night, definitely not top twelve material. Here's hoping Anoop makes it to the wild card round.

I see what you did there, Handlen, and I like it.

The only one I can remember is one with this demon making a black guy choose which of his children the demon was going to kill. Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Is that real, or did you just make that up? Because the mere thought of Larry David at AI sends me into hysterics.

Yeah, the stage was the same as it has been in the past during this portion of the show. But didn't they have the band there last year?

"Take another little piece of my lung, now baby!"

I've never even heard of this book. Anybody read it? And if so, is it worth it?

I thought I noticed an on-again, off-again Puerto Rican accent! That's exactly the kind of crazy that we need more of.

Poor Man's RoDoJu and Alexis are a lock. But I'm thinking Ricky Braddy is going to get the third spot. Anoop should have stuck to up-tempo R&B, because he came off as boring tonight. Shame, really.

I'm going to have to check that one out.

Indian Chick
I doubt anybody watched it, but the Indian bride was on Superstars of Dance a couple of weeks ago. She came in second in the solo competition.