
Did she? It's been so long since last season, I honestly don't remember that.

In case this isn't clear, it was Rosemary's Baby.

Yes. Oh yes. But it's been very low key, and subtle, so don't feel bad for not picking up on it.

Rosemary's Baby, directed by Roman Polanski. It's a classic.

Well, then disregard anything I say on the matter.

The only thing GhostKyle did that bothered me was exclaim that the hall was clear. If he's in Sarah's head, wouldn't Sarah need to, you know, SEE the hall for her delusion to know if it's clear or not?

But this wasn't the best Joss came up with. Fox made him reshoot the pilot, because they thought it would be too hard the LCD crowd to handle.

It happens.

But what you're thinking of was a black, electrical cable, not a brown rope.

Wait, the pterodactyl is not a dinosaur? How is this possible? Somebody please explain, because my entire world is about to come crashing down…

The "Jeebus" was intentional….

I disagree. Tears make for excellent lubrication.

Louis, you mean Arsenic and Old Lace in Runaways? Yeah, she's a girl, so the dino does HER bidding.

I googled it before I typed, and it said I could spell it either way. So I chose 'anklosaurus.'

Oh, come on!
Where's the love for Jack's ridiculously hilarious phone call/prayer to Jonathon? I had to rewind twice just to catch it all, I was laughing so hard.

In The Lost World (book, not movie) the carnosaurs could blend in with their surrounding like giant chameleons. Giant chameleons with giant teeth.

Oh, I totally would.

I'm an anklosaurus guy myself.

So was I the only one…
who thought that Michael was going to jerk off into Holly sleeve?

I still don't get all of the Nikki and Paulo hate. I like 'em just fine. People bitched about how only these few 815ers were featured, "what about everybody else on the plane?" And when the writers addressed that complaint, then it switched to "waah, we don't like change, go back to people we already know!"