
That's an interesting film. I'm not gonna say "good," but interesting. Though anything with a castration scene is worth a looksy.

That would have to be a damn big dose of venom then, because Nikki and Paulo were only out for, what, 12 hours?

Yeah, what I was saying is the well, which was probably built pre-Dharma, might have only been built because some old Other found this rope.

Check out Persepolis, Bone, V for Vendetta, any of the Chris Claremont X-Men stuff, Y the Last Man, Pride of Baghdad, and Maus. If you loved book 1 of Sandman, the rest of the series is gonna knock your socks off.

Does he? Everybody else says it "Do-Frain."

Now, what'll really blow your mind is, what if whoever built that well only did so because they saw this rope weirdly sticking out of the ground….

Sorry, Truth, but Yummsh is right. The only reason the well rope was there after the jump was because Sawyer was holding on to it. Sometimes a rope is just a rope.

My favorite of the night has to be his pronunciation of Dufresne as "Do-Frez-Knee."

I mentioned this upthread, but things get lost (heh) in the shuffle.

@Nilus: Lost only has one (1) more season after this one. Really, there's less than thirty episodes left, so we're in the endgame, and I seriously doubt any of it is going to be boring.

Yeah, Taxman, that's the same guy. Nerdy dude, with an unusually soulful voice. He's still there.

Are you talking about the "Well, I could sing 'God Save The Queen'" guy? If so, he's still there.

See, I just thought that the creepy dwarf book seller tracked down an old English copy. The German copy is, I assume, still in Germany.

Gah, you beat me to it. My thoughts exactly. The world needs more Dean Stockwell.

That's a damn good theory.

Yeah, but they give me an excuse to do Polyphemus jokes. "Who uses H&R Block, Polyphemus?" "NOBODY does!"

"Somebody's not likin' it!" It's a shame that typing that line can't convey the cattiness with which it was delivered.

I agree about Dueling Piano guy. Pretty good pianist (self taught!) and a hard, bluesy voice. He jumped up on my list of favorites tonight.

I really think the producers are building up Tatiana so high, that when the crash comes, it's going to be a epic, earth-shattering levels.

Danny Noriega, and no. This one is the horror movie aficionado we met during the auditions. And he's far too pretty to be a boy.