
That's certainly one of the more interesting theories I've seen. Points for that, at least.

The Others aren't skipping because the Others, ARE the Island. They're a part of it just as much as the trees.

Locke turning into Ben is indeed the point. Notice how he, in classic Ben fashion, manipulated Sawyer into wanting to go to the Orchid. I bet Sawyer even thought it was his idea.

Psst! Vincent's a girl-dog!

I guess I'm in the minority, but I really couldn't care less about Libby's backstory. There's a bajillion other things I want explained first. That said, I don't doubt at all that her story will be provided, and in a subtle, awesome way. It's just not a priority for me.

Michael Emerson needs to be given a satchel-full of Emmy's. Dude can drop a line like nobody's business.

Just to clear that up…

That would be an awesome use/callback to the runway. That would also mean that Ben/Richard knew the O6 would leave, and need to come back, too.

While I agree with you about the "storytelling blur" on episodes such as tonight, and "The Lie," I think "Jughead" will stand out because THERE'S A BIG FUCKING H-BOMB IN IT.

As long as 'Dharma Babies' is animated a la 'Muppet Babies,' I'm totally there.

Wait, what? Locke meets Locke? I think you're off track, buddy.

That looks about right. Good find!

I'm with Hayley on confirming Miles as Dr. Chang's baby. Daniel's "Are you sure you've never been here?" sealed the deal for me.

Yeah, Jin hanging out with Rousseau really worries me…didn't she kill her entire crew, or am I remembering that wrong?

I'm just gonna bask in the hilarity of Claire saying "Idol trim" for a moment…

I think he told Charlie that Claire would be on the helicopter because he knew that's the only way Charlie would agree to sacrifice himself.

The moment I saw her, I said, "She'll do great in porn." And it's comforting to know that someday in the future, I'll get to see dirty, dirty things done to that girl. (I side with Kara on the whole "Bikini Girl Sucks Balls" argument.)

Fall Out Man
Adam Lambert needs to front an Iron Maiden tribute band, STAT. Dude's got pipes.

Yeah, I have no idea who this is.

The Visitor is an excellent movie. I'm so glad that Richard Jenkins got the Oscar nod for it.