
Or, that's what HE said. You know, because of gay.

Yeah, but isn't he really old too? Like maybe immortal? (that's wild conjecture at this point, but he did save Walter a long time ago…) Maybe he survived the crash…

I'd like it if Fox would post "extra content" online, so maybe we could see as many people as possible, or at least see more of the people who make it through to the live show. Jason Castro (and several others) wasn't shown at all last year until the first live show, which kind of sucks.

I didn't notice the rice, but I did notice Nina Sharps awful, awful teeth. Sometimes I hate having HD.

As long as he wears that robe, yes.

Well, dammit. But how did a polar bear wearing a Dharma collar wind up in Tunisia, far enough in the past to be buried in the desert, if it didn't turn the wheel?

If that sickness was time displacement, and Rousseau was immune, then Rousseau had a constant, right? Wonder who…

I think the "you just couldn't stay away, could you?" line was directed at the American GIs, which she thought Faraday was a member of.

20 Minute Gumbo? Really?
I'm quite surprised by Beaker's win this week. The mere thought of taking less than an hour to make a good gumbo is just horrifying.

Theorist, I've been a proponent of the Island-as-Atlantis theory for a good long time now, so thanks for bringing that up. I'm still waiting for the Island to hop waaay back in time, and we see a four-toed Ricardo Alpert wearing a toga and modeling for a statue.

Which reminds me of a beastiality joke:

Noel, your Lost reviews are the big reason why I keep coming back to the AV Club, so I say take your time and do what you do so well.

Though I wonder how one would get a polar bear to turn that wheel voluntarily…

Oh! And that's why a polar bear turned up in Tunisia!!!!!!!

She is TOTALLY Ms. Hawking.

Yeah, they even dropped in a line about him hacking the FBI files and finding out that Olivia was on his case.

I've seen this dozens of times now, but it never gets old.

Wait, now that I think of it, I must've dreamt Jack getting a com-piece from Chloe. Or did I? Am I drunk?

I figured Jack still had the com-piece in his ear, and told them while Renee was being buried. Really, I'm just giving the show the benefit of the doubt, because I'm actually enjoying this season (something I never thought I'd do again after season 6).

It did me, too. Totally did not expect how that film turned out.