
Every time I hear "Sister Christian," I wish I had my own weird, maybe mildly retarded Asian kid throwing around lit firecrackers. It would just make the song better.

Not straw-grasping at all. Once (SPOILER!) Shaun's mum turns, the movie definitely turns into a straight-up zombie horror. Good pick.

@Darth Fucking Whatever:

I agree about the political aspect. For awhile, it was great commentary on our own political landscape, especially during the occupation, but it's getting really tired now. I want more of the mystical shit, that's my favorite part of the show.

Parma, yes Cottle's assistant is definitely going to do something to li'l Tigh. That was one of the few things I liked about this episode.

Mary McDonnell does not look good as a bald.

George, did you see the tease for next week? Brace yourself for disappointment.

Get on with it.
I like character drama as much as the next guy, but there are only 8 episodes left. At this point, I want PLOT, dammit! What's up with Kara, are they really abandoning Earth, Cavil's forces, etc…. Get the move on.


Does it count as a firstie if I'm the first in 2009?
This week's comments from the Family o' Texas Teachers: Under no circumstances would a principal ever be allowed to reallocate funds that have been raised specifically for a Jumbotron.

I think that's Robert Wolinski on The Ultimate Trailer show. He also filled in some for Ebert before ABC fucked with At The Movies.

I'll admit that Maggie was hot in Secretary, but only because she's naked, and wearing a saddle.

Pilgrim, I would pay money to see that, so get to work.

I get that it's technically brilliant and innovative. I had those facts jammed down my throat in two different film classes. I just find it really boring.

I really, really hate Citizen Kane. Fucking boring-ass movie. And then the twist? Lame.

There Was Blood
I can understand why somebody would hate There Will Be Blood, because it is very slow, and ponderous, and pretentious (and I'm a fan), but you can't deny Daniel Day Lewis's towering performance. It was mesmerizing.

Ooh, you want Helen Keller jokes?!?

Her face is nice from the eyes up. It's the pig nose and the jowls that turn me off.

It really annoys me that I've gonna have to drive my ass to a grocery store and get a cheap pair of 3D glasses just to enjoy Chuck. I'm gonna do it, but I'll be pissed off about it.

Hilary Swank is in the Maggie Gyllenhaal school of hotness. Kickin' body, horrible, horrible face.