
I went to high school with a Richard Edward Rector. That's Dick E. Rector. I don't understand parents sometimes.

Some Prize…
I can't decide if the editor was being clever or clueless by having Stefan win a suite of kitchen appliances right after a shot of everyone bitching about how that same line of appliances didn't work for shit. Either way, I loved it.

Jeremy Davies was also in Twister.

Everytime he came onscreen, that old "Got Milk" commercial kept running through my head. The one where the Aaron Burr enthusiast can't win the radio competition because his mouth is full of peanut butter? That was him.

I thought it said "Jeckyll" something, but I can't be sure.

Claire is on hiatus until season 6.

Mark Mudd
Not to be rude, but Mark Mudd looks exactly what I imagine a KKK member to look like.

Sorry, Guitarjelly, but Walt smoked Hurley at backgammon.

Could anybody place the actress that played her sister? She looked really familiar, but I can't nail it down.

Speaking of the Observer, I just read in TV Guide that he could be seen on the sidelines of the Eagles game last weekend. Pretty cheeky, Fox.

I'm sorry, but are there really people who DON'T put provolone on their cheesesteak? I just can't believe that. No. No, that's not right, at all.

Good point about Alias, Sensei. I really dug the first 2 seasons of that show, but got burnt out during the Amnesia plot in season 3. Is it worth finishing the series?

Maybe, but I'd rather she be just her sister.

I used to have one of Murray, but I ran across ol' Darkwing here, and had to let others (hopefully) share in my nostalgia. Because, when there's trouble, you call D.W.

It's located in your lozenges.

I'm a little worried that we've seen this plot twist before…on Lost. We thought the Others were bad guys until we met Widmore. Not that emulating a Lost plot point is a bad thing, though.

Akilah was by far the funniest wannabe of the season so far. The way she butchered the English language was priceless.

It's a shame…
That they so overtly telegraphed the Secret Service man being a bad guy last week, or else that might have been a good twist. Otherwise, an okay episode.

I'm still partial to "My Vajayjay is Painin'."

So it IS getting a theatrical release? Last I heard, it was headed to HBO…..Noel??