
Snape, I've heard a lot of dead baby jokes, but the 'deepthroat' on might just be the worst/best one yet. It's certainly a tie with:

You can't have foreskins on Jews, either.

3 seasons would be enough for me. Go out on top, I say. That's one thing I really love about non-American shows, they're short and sweet. Take Slings & Arrows — 18 brilliant episodes, and it's done.

I kind of liked it, over-written dialogue and all.

Principal Tami
So I live with an entire family full of teachers, and when watching this episode, they all agreed that in no way would Tami jump from counselor to head principal. Unless she had the proper certification.

I think it's pretty obvious now that everyone is a Cylon. And I think that's great.

I'll take that.

Passing Strange
Noel, do you think there's any chance of Passing Strange getting picked up for distribution? I don't know if something like that would fare well in the theaters. I'm a fan of the stage, but am dreadfully middle-class, and can't afford Broadway prices, so it would be nice to see a production like that

Very excited for Stringer. And, I just read on EW that Amy Ryan is coming back in the finale!

I do too, but wasn't it a donkey? Not that it really matters.

That shot cracked me up, though. It looked like my drunk uncle trying to fix the TV by hitting it with a hammer.

What, is there a moratorium on cooter jokes tonight? Fine, I apologize, Yummsh. I just like to sneak the word 'vagina' into as many conversations as possible, which is probably why I can't hold a job.

And by 'game,' you of course mean 'vagina.'

I'll take Mags in a cheerleader outfit, as long as it comes with a paper bag over her head. She can even glue pom-poms to it.

It's not much of a secret. He said, "I just came out" when he was arguing with Jason whilst making a Seacrest sandwich.

Best. Edit. Ever.
Are there new producers/editors this season? Because the editing has been top notch.

Dammit, now I have to go watch that movie again.

As one of those six, I also offer up my thanks, and look forward to the reviews.

He wasn't spectacular, but I'm looking forward to what he can do from behind a piano.

I thought boyfriend. That hug was pretty intimate, though it could be because he's blind and didn't realize how close he was getting.