
I always wonder if some of the whack jobs that come in front of the judges table aren't, you know, fake. I have no doubt that there are a shit load of crazy, delusional people in America, but are there really that many that want to be on TV?

I thought Alex was one of the best of the night. A really interesting voice. And he's kind of a smart ass, which is a plus.

Well, I feel a bit better about it now. Thanks for that, Gringo.

A "Fake-Death" Serum. Seriously.

It's the Sixties. Fail.

You're gonna love it.

Yes, I was there. I think was the video in which I first witnessed the badunkadunk.

You know what would be an awesome 'better late than never?'
Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Get on it.

Did the whole season even air? I only remember watching about 3 episodes. Dinklage was, of course, awesome.

@Tiny Black Hole

Yeah, that wasn't Dinklage.

HBO has ordered a pilot. We don't know if they'll pick up the show, but with source material that amazing, how could they pass it up?

Burl, did you recently discover the sex, or something? Because noticed this sudden radical shift in you…

Yes, he's ugly in the books, but I'd much rather have a great actor like Dinklage than someone who looks perfectly like the book description.

I watched the 4th quarter, but was really annoyed at the announcer's giving rim jobs to the Gators' QB. They talked him up so much, I thought he was the second coming of Christ.

I've been a fan of his for awhile. Nice to see him on network TV. He was the only tolerable thing about whatever season of Nip/Tuck he was on.

He really is a poor man's Bourdain, at least as far as the show is concerned. I love Bourdain because, yes, he's a smart ass, but he can also back it up in the kitchen. I'm sure Toby will grow on me, eventually.

Toby, Toby, Toby
The new judge is, so far, getting on my nerves. I enjoy a clever turn of phrase just as much as the next guy, but when you try to force one out every other sentence, es no bueno. "The bland leading the bland?" Really?

Jeez, is weed really that expensive? Seriously, tax that shit, and wave goodbye to a troubled economy.

Oooh, I see what you did there. Like in the show, right? "More than meets the eye." Awesome, dude. Awesome.