
I think you nailed the problem there, Eel. While the cast (maybe exculding Kate Bosworth) and the director were good, the script just wasn't strong enough. Too much of a retread, and not enough new material. Though, I guess I'm the only one who thought giving Supes a son was a good idea.

Um, spoiler alert?

Gah, True Blood. A wasted opportunity if there ever was one. I think maybe it had 3 fair-to-good episodes the whole season. The rest were crap.

Part of is dry-heaving right now, because the mere thought of people getting their eyes fucked with just gives me the willies (so it was a big step for me emotionally to have my eyeball licked, though it still wasn't near sexual enough), but a larger part of me is intrigued to know how one gets a paper-cut on one's

Ditto, in Texas.

A girl licked my eyeball once in the 6th grade. It was not the enlightening sexual experience she said it would be.

I'm gonna have to pick that one up. I too loved King Dork. Is there a release date yet?

I still play Pirates in public restrooms, thanks to that movie.

No big love love?
Am I the only one who digs the hell out of that show? The third season starts up in a couple of weeks.

Battlestar's wrap up is definitely high up on my list, right behind Lost. Though I'm a little worried about the inevitable disappointment that will follow if it's a lackluster ending. The story I want them to tell (the ship of lights) is, I think, probably too big for only 10 episodes.

Supposedly, misspelling it was the only way he could use the word 'bastard,' as per the MPAA.

-You said 'rape' twice.
-I like rape.

I agree, actually.

Sorry, but it's against my religion to spell something with a 'PH' when it sounds like an 'F.'

Randolf Scott!!

Quick question about Generation Kill…
This is a little off topic, so please to excuse.

Maidenform is a hell of an episode, but I have to say that The Jet Set is the better episode. TV Heaven, that was.

Cheap Kill
Best Buy has Generation Kill on sale for $35! Get it now!

Welcome! It's nice to see some new blood around here.

Edgar Sawtelle has the power of Oprah behind it, so it will win the Pulitzer.