
I'm not sure that Requiem is really supposed to be, you know, enjoyed. It's damn good filmmaking though, and I appreciate it, but it's not something I'll ever watch for entertainment.

And Fred Norris gets the Douche O' The Evening award.

Vanessa Redgrave is quite a good actress. Did you see Atonement? She was Old Briony at the end.

She's Vanessa Redgrave's daughter. Looks and sounds just like her, too.

The Fountain
I understand why a lot of people didn't get that movie. It's hard. But damn, is it beautiful. The cinematography and the score should have at least been nominated for Oscars.

Nobody ever said otherwise.

Dude on the Bike
If it was a random Terminator, I think we would have seen his face. The concealment leads me to believe it's someone we know.

Does Reginald VelJohnson (sp?) ever play a non-cop?

I just have to say…
That Louis Prima is the shit. You can't tell me you don't feel like dancing every you hear "Sing, Sing, Sing."

Best Line Candidate
"I would stab her in the brain with a wooden stick."

C'mon, Clueless, American Beauty is awesome. Ball's script is a little hit and miss, but the excellent acting and cinematography push it over the edge. Maybe give it another chance?

Yummsh is right. Jack's great and all, but Locke owns that show. One of the best written characters on TV. Ever.

You say the academy doesn't like dark things? Explain Ordinary People. Talk about a depressing movie.

Creepier than Shane masturbating to pictures of his mother? Not possible.

I know it's been said, many times, many ways, but Kristin Chenowith has the most glorious rack I've ever seen on television. During that scene in Cod's office, I thought they were gonna burst out of that little red sweater and start singin' showtunes.

No Thank You
I turned this off after half an hour. It was boring as hell. I wanted to like it, but nope.

Just in case you're not being ironic, The Wire is nothing short of a masterpiece.

Was There an Impromptu Blood Drive I Missed?
I want to know where they got the bucket of blood on such short notice.